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Teska Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Carol B's avatar
    Carol B 7/31/2019 3:53 PM
    So sad this is the end! BUT i just had some lovely conversation with colleagues about the impact this challenge has had on their everyday actions and perspectives about plastic, its use, and their need for it going forward. <3

  • Carol B's avatar
    Carol B 7/31/2019 9:11 AM
    Day 31 is bittersweet!  I feel good about my consistency with some things and disappointed about my miserly progress with other things.  More than anything else, I'm feel positive about continuing these actions and taking on a bit more even after the challenge :)  I'm proud of our little Teska Team!
    Lifestyle Travel Eating
    Was this action easy or difficult to do? How did it change your travel experience?

    Carol B's avatar
    Carol B 7/29/2019 9:08 AM
    It was easy in some ways but harder in others.  I was able to bring my own things, but I found that I was noticing just how difficult it is to get anything while traveling by plane that isnt wrapped or uses some type of single-use container.
    Lifestyle Natural Fibers
    What are the benefits (to people, animals, and the environment) of purchasing clothes made with natural fibers?

    Emma Swanson's avatar
    Emma Swanson 7/26/2019 8:28 AM
    Buying clothes made of synthetic fibers, such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic, not only contributes to plastic pollution during production and when it gets thrown out, but also throughout its entire lifespan. Washing synthetic fabrics (in a washing machine) actually releases microplastics (known as microfibers) into our waterways.
    Lifestyle Natural Fibers
    What are the benefits (to people, animals, and the environment) of purchasing clothes made with natural fibers?

    Emma Swanson's avatar
    Emma Swanson 7/26/2019 8:28 AM
    Buying clothes made of synthetic fibers, such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic, not only contributes to plastic pollution during production and when it gets thrown out, but also throughout its entire lifespan. Washing synthetic fabrics (in a washing machine) actually releases microplastics (known as microfibers) into our waterways.
    Family Plastic Free Lunch Boxes
    Most of us know that the "3 R's" are reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling is most heavily emphasized in modern Western culture. How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle? How does considering implementing these "R's" make you feel?

    Emma Swanson's avatar
    Emma Swanson 7/24/2019 2:38 PM
    I think that recycling should be one of the last options. The 5 R's should come first, especially reduce. We buy so much stuff nowadays that we don't actually need. For example, I don't need 50 different cleaning product made of essentially the same chemicals when I could use one natural cleaner for almost everything in my house. I would like to continue to implement the 5 R's and also be better at practicing the 5 R's because I believe that a low to zero waste lifestyle is achievable and sustainable. 

  • Lianne Luce's avatar
    Lianne Luce 7/23/2019 12:18 PM
    I find myself becoming more conscientious when grocery shopping of what comes in paper, glass or plastic. I hope that brands will make a conscious effort to switch over to better materials that can easily be recycled.
    Food Use Reusable Containers
    How can you think outside the box (or bag!) when it comes to disposables?

    Carol B's avatar
    Carol B 7/22/2019 2:47 PM
    Instead of stopping with the thoughts "i need something to put my food on/in I keep thinking..."why?"  "for how long?".

  • Emma Swanson's avatar
    Emma Swanson 7/22/2019 1:59 PM
    Bought chicken breasts from the meat/deli counter this weekend. Brought my own reusable container. The kid behind the counter was totally cool with putting the chicken in my container (no "we can't do this for sanitary/health reasons"). He simply weighed the chicken on a small wax paper (like the ones you use to grab baked goods from the bakery) and then put it in my container and put a sticker on top withe the weight/price. 

  • Lacey Carlson's avatar
    Lacey Carlson 7/19/2019 9:06 AM
    Started a little box herb garden.  Basil, sage, thyme, and lemongrass to start.  I'd like to get some more!