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EFP Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Lifestyle Watch a Documentary
    Which documentary did you choose to watch? What did you learn?

    Amber Enriquez's avatar
    Amber Enriquez 7/31/2019 11:36 AM
    My children and I watched several short films about the Pacific Garbage Patch.  They are 5 and 7 and were both so moved by what we saw, especially the impact the plastic has had on sea life.  Their passion to change the situation was inspiring to witness and gave me a lot of hope that the next generation will care more and do better than my generation has when it comes to this important issue.

  • Maggie Guevara's avatar
    Maggie Guevara 7/31/2019 11:31 AM
    Participating in this challenge has really helped keep me on track with better habits when it comes to shopping and eating out.  I found that it was easier for me to remember keeping reusable bags handy when going grocery shopping.  I paid more attention to the packaging when picking out items.  Now, it's second nature for me to skip on the straw.  
    Pets Pet Waste
    By composting your pet waste, you are turning waste into nutrients to feed the soil. In what other ways can you turn waste into a resource in your life?

    Christa Torres's avatar
    Christa Torres 7/31/2019 9:06 AM
    A good way to turn waste into a resource would be a at home compost. I live in an apartment but I have encouraged my parents who own a home to start doing, so they can use it for their garden instead of purchasing fertilizers, which can carry chemicals. 
    Food Start Composting
    Do an inventory of how much food waste you would save from going to the landfill if you start composting all of the time. What are the added benefits of having compost that is readily accessible?

    Christa Torres's avatar
    Christa Torres 7/31/2019 9:02 AM
    Benefits of having a compost readily available it help reduces your carbon footprint, which can cause methane emissions in landfills if your waste ends up there.
    Food Lobby for Reusables
    What are some of the cases you could make to an employer for why switching to durable dishes and utensils is actually in their best interest as well?

    Christa Torres's avatar
    Christa Torres 7/31/2019 8:58 AM
    It's best to switch to durable dishes because you can reuse them and the dishes and utensils will be able to last longer in the long run.

  • Mike Palmatier's avatar
    Mike Palmatier 7/30/2019 1:55 PM
    Happy to be participating.  Definitely keeps decision making regarding single use plastics at Top of Mind on a daily basis.

  • Amber Enriquez's avatar
    Amber Enriquez 7/30/2019 9:39 AM
    This week I purchased reusable sandwich baggies for my children's lunches, and spent some time explaining to them why we are making this change in our household!
    Personal Care Brusha Brusha Brusha
    What are the benefits of switching to bamboo toothbrushes? How would you implore others in your community to make this switch as well?

    Christa Torres's avatar
    Christa Torres 7/26/2019 1:42 PM
    The benefits to switching to bamboo toothbrush is the components are made from plants, meaning they are biodegradable. I would let people know that the toothbrush is not made from plastic, which is not good for landfills  instead they are made from plants. 

  • Laurel  Klein's avatar
    Laurel Klein 7/26/2019 1:36 PM
    We're in the home stretch!! Keep up the good work and feel free to share ideas or experiences. 

  • Christa Torres's avatar
    Christa Torres 7/24/2019 2:56 PM
    Challenge has been going great. I have managed to stop wasting food and save money at the same time.