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Abt Earthlings Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Lifestyle Complete a Waste Audit
    What did you learn about the waste you create? Where can you reduce the most?

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/31/2019 1:51 PM
    All month long I have kept a log of the plastic waste I was creating. And what it came down to, for the most part, was convenience and volume. If I forgot to make lunch and wanted something, healthy or not, it was in plastic - sandwiches, salads,  and anything microwavable. If I wanted something other that water, it was more readily available in plastic than a can, or not offered in a can at all (think Gatorade when sick, etc.). If I didn't want to be wasteful and buy a large volume of something, the smaller option was in plastic (think lettuce heads). Avoiding straws and plastic cutlery for me is extremely easy because I've never been comfortable using those items and carry my own reusable straw. But I had to budget time to meal prep and get my coffee using my reusable cup on the weekends to avoid the plastic. If I wanted fruit from the grocery store, my availability is plastic-wrapped or plastic cartons due to market availability near where I live. I can rarely get a head of lettuce outside of plastic bags and don't tend to use enough fast enough for it to not be wasteful. I could buy milk in glass cartons but glass is mostly not recyclable around here too and the price is much higher and only in large bottles. So all in all, my plastic waste was reduced this month but a great deal, but I still had it - my milk half gallons/quarts, energy bar wrappers, sandwich containers, lettuce bags, large bottles of seltzer water - these were my culprits. Now that I am more aware, I will be more conscious.

  • Diane Ferguson's avatar
    Diane Ferguson 7/31/2019 11:35 AM
    I'm a bit discouraged about the difficulty I have had with the plastic-free challenge. I did reflect more on my choices, but that is only the first step toward change.

  • Patricia McIntyre's avatar
    Patricia McIntyre 7/29/2019 7:32 AM
    This is hard!  Trader Joe's is a very convenient stop on my way home for dinner supplies.  But they individually wrap many items unnecessarily.  3 peppers wrapped in plastic, grapes in a hard plastic box, etc. 

  • Eric Friedman's avatar
    Eric Friedman 7/25/2019 8:33 AM
    Just posted on neighborhood page re: cleanup and plastic trash audit that we'll be doing with other families this weekend. Watched a good documentary called Plastic Paradise ( with the kids last night to get them motivated (although they professed to be more bored than motivated). Also found a good guide to organizing a cleanup here:, which includes a way to submit results of our plastic trash audit, with the aim of learning what corporations are making the products that end up littered around the globe. 

  • Eric Friedman's avatar
    Eric Friedman 7/24/2019 8:18 AM
    Found this nonprofit online -- -- which is raising money selling bracelets made from plastic removed from the ocean to fund more plastic removal from the oceans, with each bracelet supporting the removal of one pound of plastic. I think I'll order a couple at least for prizes for kids who participate in our neighborhood cleanup this weekend.

  • Anna Jefferson's avatar
    Anna Jefferson 7/24/2019 6:25 AM
    I'm traveling today and didn't do well with prep that would help me avoid single use plastics. I was on another trip until yesterday afternoon and left very early this morning. This has reinforced to me the trade-offs in our current systems between convenience and environmental impact. It's disheartening to be committed to reducing my environmental impact, including of plastics, and not be able to keep it up when life gets busy. (I did bring my reusable water bottle and tea mug, so it's not as bad as it could be, but I forgot utensils and had to get my airport breakfast to go.)
    Personal Care Pearly Whites
    Currently most of the packaging for toothpaste is plastic. How can you advocate for more alternatives through your purchasing power and influence in community?

    Anna Jefferson's avatar
    Anna Jefferson 7/18/2019 4:40 PM
    I talked to my dental hygienist about plastic free options and she said you don’t even really need toothpaste to brush! The most important thing it does is act as a medium to get fluoride back into your teeth. But she didn’t have a great solution for how to get fluoride plastic free and I haven’t found one yet either, so I’m still working on this.
    Community Share My Actions
    In what ways is social media an effective tool for sharing your values?

    Diane Ferguson's avatar
    Diane Ferguson 7/17/2019 7:06 AM
    I straight up said in my post about this challenge that I was signaling my virtue to my friends. :) Also, people are more likely to take actions when they know others in their circle are doing the same thing. For example, I was inspired to join this challenge by the posts of a friend of mine. Belonging to a group of colleagues also made me feel more comfortable about doing it--I wouldn't have done it on my own.

    Family Discover Together
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/17/2019 6:52 AM
    What concerns me is how we measure the value of time over the volume of our waste.

    My family recently rented a house and packed the Keruig to save time on all the different types of beverages they wanted - tea, dark roast, blonde, hot chocolate. To them, this was not only a time saver but a saver on gas from going to the coffee shop that was 10 miles away each day and money in buying each individual beverage type in large quantity. But the K-cups add up. At home, the coffee drinkers use the reusable cup and fill it with their ground coffee, and the tera drinkers use their seeping bags, but this was more to pack and less convenient for this trip. Plastic made it convenient and helped keep the hoards of ants out of the food. This was and is a stressful thought. 

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/17/2019 6:40 AM

    This little gem saves me everyday. Its still plastic itself but one year of nearly daily use and its still of sound structure.