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Kim Stama's avatar

Kim Stama

Abt Earthlings

"To benchmark how I think I'm doing, measure what I am actually doing and be better. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 590 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    waste audit

Kim's actions


Use Reusables at Work

I will use reusable dishes and silverware when eating at work.



Swap the Snacks

I will swap out 1 prepackaged snacks a day for fresh fruits or veggies.



Travel Smart

If traveling, I will bring my own plastic free items (water bottle, grocery bags, collapsible food containers, utensils, straws, etc.) with me.



Travel Toiletries

If traveling, I will reuse my old travel tubes to refill with my soaps or only bring bar soaps with me in a TSA approved reusable quart sized bag.



Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 3 hour(s) in my community.



Complete a Waste Audit

I will conduct a waste audit - including recyclables and compost - to understand how much waste I create and where I can reduce the most.



Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup

I will avoid sending 1 disposable cup(s) to the landfill per day by using a reusable mug or bringing my own collapsible cup.



Join a Cleanup Effort

I will host or participate in a beach, highway, river, or other cleanup effort in my community.



Share My Actions

I will make my environmental actions visible by posting to my social media networks.



Discover Together

I will spend 20 minutes educating my family on the basics of living a reduced/no-plastic lifestyle.



Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Lifestyle Complete a Waste Audit
    What did you learn about the waste you create? Where can you reduce the most?

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/31/2019 1:51 PM
    All month long I have kept a log of the plastic waste I was creating. And what it came down to, for the most part, was convenience and volume. If I forgot to make lunch and wanted something, healthy or not, it was in plastic - sandwiches, salads,  and anything microwavable. If I wanted something other that water, it was more readily available in plastic than a can, or not offered in a can at all (think Gatorade when sick, etc.). If I didn't want to be wasteful and buy a large volume of something, the smaller option was in plastic (think lettuce heads). Avoiding straws and plastic cutlery for me is extremely easy because I've never been comfortable using those items and carry my own reusable straw. But I had to budget time to meal prep and get my coffee using my reusable cup on the weekends to avoid the plastic. If I wanted fruit from the grocery store, my availability is plastic-wrapped or plastic cartons due to market availability near where I live. I can rarely get a head of lettuce outside of plastic bags and don't tend to use enough fast enough for it to not be wasteful. I could buy milk in glass cartons but glass is mostly not recyclable around here too and the price is much higher and only in large bottles. So all in all, my plastic waste was reduced this month but a great deal, but I still had it - my milk half gallons/quarts, energy bar wrappers, sandwich containers, lettuce bags, large bottles of seltzer water - these were my culprits. Now that I am more aware, I will be more conscious.
    Family Discover Together
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/17/2019 6:52 AM
    What concerns me is how we measure the value of time over the volume of our waste.

    My family recently rented a house and packed the Keruig to save time on all the different types of beverages they wanted - tea, dark roast, blonde, hot chocolate. To them, this was not only a time saver but a saver on gas from going to the coffee shop that was 10 miles away each day and money in buying each individual beverage type in large quantity. But the K-cups add up. At home, the coffee drinkers use the reusable cup and fill it with their ground coffee, and the tera drinkers use their seeping bags, but this was more to pack and less convenient for this trip. Plastic made it convenient and helped keep the hoards of ants out of the food. This was and is a stressful thought. 

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/17/2019 6:40 AM

    This little gem saves me everyday. Its still plastic itself but one year of nearly daily use and its still of sound structure. 
    Food Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup
    Great job on getting rid of your disposable cup habit! How does it make you feel? What's next on your list to reduce your waste?

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/16/2019 6:43 AM
    This is not easy when out of the office or on the go, so the habit will definitely take time. I always carry my reusable straw, its the cold cups that's tough to think about. When at the office, its easy to use the tumbler on my desk or mug in the cabinet and make coffee in the kitchen. But mobile ordering saves several minutes with the rush of the coffee shops in the morning on the weekends and I don't have enough of a caffeine habit to have a coffee maker at home. Time is something I am willing to trade off for the waste, because I can see how fast those cups add up. 
    Food Skip the Straw
    Have you noticed a shift in your community as more messaging about reusable straws becomes mainstream? Cite some examples.

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/16/2019 6:39 AM
    I was up in Maine last week and they have banned plastic straws, cups and bags. They are not quite to using reusables but but instead purchasing compostable PLA cold cups and paper straws, without setting up the market to be able to readily provide composting services to these businesses. I think this is an unfortunate circumstance of not setting up the infrastructure to be successful. This is a big reason I love my reusables and teaching our staff their benefits. 
    Family Swap the Snacks
    How does swapping out prepackaged snacks for fresh fruit or veggies benefit your family?

    Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/16/2019 6:36 AM
    Fresh fruit and veggies are inherently healthier options than packages snacks for me and for my family. We stocked bananas, watermelon and all sorts of berries for our family vacation - which also make quick and better snack options for my 14-month-old nephew.

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/11/2019 7:31 AM
    Came up to Maine for vacation bringing all of the reusables for the house rental - worked perfect. 

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/02/2019 11:03 AM
    Today is day 2 of my and Teresa Doksum's plastic waste audit. We are saving all of the plastic we consume this month and have been talking about it with the coworkers that sit in our section. Teresa event has her kids doing this!

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/02/2019 11:02 AM
    Workout at the Cambridge office before business hours and use the on-site showers. I refill my travel toiletries from my large sizes at my apartment and keep them in the drawer at my workstation. I basically could live at the office if need be!

  • Kim Stama's avatar
    Kim Stama 7/02/2019 11:00 AM
    Had an apple today instead of chips as a snack and used my reusable Abt tumbler and straw with the coffee machine in the kitchen to make an iced latte - easy switches! :)