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South Sound Zero Waste Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Community Estimate Your Plastic Consumption and Go #PlasticNeutral
    What did you find out about your plastic consumption by using the calculator? What did or didn't surprise you?

    Krystina Jarvis's avatar
    Krystina Jarvis 7/29/2019 9:21 AM
    My plastic consumption is significantly less than the average European or American (21.69 kg vs. 84 kg and 53 kg, respectively).

    I was not terribly surprised by this, but I was surprised to find that if everyone consumed like I do, there could still be more plastic than fish in the ocean by March 2078.

    However, I was disappointed that the calculator automatically included the below items in my footprint. I do not use any of these products that contain plastic. I use refillable or bar soaps and lotions, paper cotton swabs, bamboo toothbrushes (the bristles are 38% nylon, but that's all), refillable toothpaste powder, and none of the other items listed. Although the quiz said "feel free to message us through the chat box," there was no chat box that I could find.

    I'm sure I'm in the minority here of people taking their quiz that this applies to, but I was disappointed with the prevalence of zero waste shops - both online and in person - popping up around the world, that all of these items were automatically included with no way to turn them off.

    Lip balm, body wash, body cream, hand cream, conditioner, shampoo, facewash, lotion, sunscreen, repellent, cotton swabs, tongue cleaners, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, mouth wash, over-the-counter medicine box

  • Krystina Jarvis's avatar
    Krystina Jarvis 7/28/2019 10:36 PM
    This month has really gotten away from me and I haven't been as engaged as I planned, but this challenge is still constantly on my mind and I'm so proud to be part of such an awesome community of people all working together to better our planet 💙

  • Krystina Jarvis's avatar
    Krystina Jarvis 7/18/2019 2:18 PM
    Every EcoChallenge I've participated in, I've chosen the action to reach out to leaders to advocate for planet-friendly policies. And with each passing EcoChallenge, this action goes undone because I overthink the whole process. Today, I finally sent one! I sent a brief note to a Pret a Manger, thanking them for encouraging reusable mugs and utensils in their cafe at the London Heathrow airport (and I assume others, but this is the one I visited). It's important not only to ask companies to change their policies, but also celebrate the great ones they already have. Thank you EcoChallenge for encouraging me to send this email!

  • Krystina Jarvis's avatar
    Krystina Jarvis 7/09/2019 11:44 PM
    I'm currently sitting in the London Heathrow airport and found a cafe that gives a discount for using your own mug AND you have to specifically ask for utensils. I did get a yogurt parfait in a plastic cup, but used my bamboo utensils to eat it, got my coffee in my travel mug, and filled my water bottle from the drinking fountain. These are my travel essentials I never go anywhere without!

    • Susan Ho's avatar
      Susan Ho 7/11/2019 6:04 PM
      That is fantastic that the UK offers discounts for bringing your own utensils and mugs! Safe travels!

  • Tabitha Black's avatar
    Tabitha Black 7/09/2019 7:41 AM
    Can anyone tell me how I would check in for the daily challenges? I can't figure out how to mark "done" each day in the daily challenges!

    • Krystina Jarvis's avatar
      Krystina Jarvis 7/09/2019 11:41 PM
      When you're on your Dashboard, there should be a little circle button on each of the "cards" for each action. Click that button to mark them complete! 

    • Tabitha Black's avatar
      Tabitha Black 7/11/2019 4:19 PM
      Thanks Krystina, got it to work. 

  • Tabitha Black's avatar
    Tabitha Black 7/09/2019 7:34 AM
    This past weekend I received a kitchen compost bin from my local Buy Nothing group so I can get back to composting and ditch the bowl I was using! 
    Lifestyle Buy Only What I Need
    As you have reduced your spending, what have you noticed about your 'health and safety' purchasing habits? How might this change your longer term purchasing decisions?

    Leslie Whitecrow 's avatar
    Leslie Whitecrow 7/08/2019 7:14 AM
    I have impulsed bought before, but that is changing. I'm very conscious of buying only what I need/want within reason now.

  • Leslie Whitecrow 's avatar
    Leslie Whitecrow 7/08/2019 7:08 AM
    Went to farmers market this weekend and bought bulk berries. I LOVE doing this, as opposed to buying the berries in grocery stores that are contained in plastic!

  • Tabitha Black's avatar
    Tabitha Black 7/07/2019 8:48 AM
    How are you all doing so far? What are you working on this week? I've been too busy to check in daily but plastic free is always on my mind ;)

  • Leslie Whitecrow 's avatar
    Leslie Whitecrow 7/04/2019 6:15 AM
    Oops, I didn't realize I should check in daily. Some of my actions require me going to the store, which is happening later this week, but it's on my mind daily!

    • Tabitha Black's avatar
      Tabitha Black 7/07/2019 8:41 AM
      I didn't realize it either and honestly it's a little hard checking in daily but oh well, let's just do the best we can ;)