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Museum of Life and Science Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Lifestyle Watch a Documentary
    Which documentary did you choose to watch? What did you learn?

    Sarah Leach Smith's avatar
    Sarah Leach Smith 7/31/2019 11:52 AM
    We watched 'A Plastic Tide' today and it was pretty mind-blowing to see the vast quantities of plastic in the ocean and washing up onto shore in countries around the world.The misconception that I myself have been guilty of is that the people living in those places are responsible for the trash; it was eye-opening to learn that is not the case! Thanks for getting it set up for us, Steve! I enjoyed the mini discussion that we all had afterward as well!
    Personal Care That Was a Close Shave
    What have you noticed about the economic and social impact of switching to steel razors? Was there ever really a need for disposable razors, or do you think it was just a way to sell more things?

    Sarah Leach Smith's avatar
    Sarah Leach Smith 7/29/2019 5:21 AM
    I think about things like disposable razors and realize that I have watched my mom use them for years on vacations. A big part of why is the convenience factor. I know that a lot of choices that my mom made while I was growing up were out of ease and convenience; "razors are offered in a disposable format, that seems so easy, of course I'll get it - these were MADE for travel!" However, it's interesting to me how much that has shifted from her generation and lifestyle to mine; "I already have a razor, I'll just pack a refill and I'm good to go." It seems so clear to me. This has sparked some great conversations between us and definitely has caused mom to consider some different options!

  • Bobbi Jo Holmes's avatar
    Bobbi Jo Holmes 7/27/2019 5:07 AM
    Has anyone used the charcoal soap bars to replace body wash? Comments appreciated. I don't like that most bar soaps leave your skin with a sticky feel.

  • Debbie May's avatar
    Debbie May 7/26/2019 12:12 PM
    Congratulations to the six person EJ trash pick-up team today! We gathered enough trash in the parking lot, wooded areas and playground to fill 8 grocery bags! Way to go team!

  • Sarah Leach Smith's avatar
    Sarah Leach Smith 7/26/2019 7:41 AM
    I loved the radio call at Adult Summer Camp that a vendor had brought compostable cups for their samples and wanted to make sure they didn't get tossed in with the regular trash. Definitely a step in the right direction for museum event vendors! We have also purchased compostable tasting spoons for our liquid nitrogen ice cream demo at events. What ideas do others have for making our events more green??

  • Bobbi Jo Holmes's avatar
    Bobbi Jo Holmes 7/21/2019 4:06 PM
    Somewhat of a fail today our first day at Scout Camp - they used styrofoam plates and bowls along with plastic ware packs for forks and knives! Tomorrow I will bringing my sport with me!

  • Bobbi Jo Holmes's avatar
    Bobbi Jo Holmes 7/19/2019 8:17 AM
    I listened to part of a podcast yesterday where they were talking about the Plastic Free EcoChallenge. The one lady was describing how she rather sternly (but somewhat nicely) told the waitstaff off for putting straws at her table. It sounds more like she shamed them for doing that, but maybe that is what more people need. We were out to dinner last night and the waitstaff just put a pile of straws on the table without even asking. They should be asking ahead of time if we want one; they ask a billion other questions about our order!

  • Bobbi Jo Holmes's avatar
    Bobbi Jo Holmes 7/17/2019 1:20 PM
    Had a great time making bags from old T-shirts today with some awesome coworkers! I would like to continue this DIY trend after Plastic Free July is done - maybe once a month to correlate with the monthly health challenges!

  • Sarah Leach Smith's avatar
    Sarah Leach Smith 7/17/2019 12:00 PM
    I am LOVING the green activities we've been doing this month! The toothpaste workshop was great and making the bags today was really fun. Thanks to our team captains for the plastic-free tutorials :)
    Community Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Kaitlynn Fields's avatar
    Kaitlynn Fields 7/17/2019 6:44 AM
    It makes you stop to appreciate your community more and how different it looks clean vs with litter scattered around. Nature looks and feels better when not interrupted by humans and our trash!