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Wendy Barnes's avatar

Wendy Barnes

Recycle Brevard 2019

"To be a part of my local movement for environmental good and to contribute with creativity and positivity."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 918 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Wendy's actions


Shop the Bulk Bins

I will purchase dry goods from the bulk section of my grocery store, and use my own containers to do so.



Swap the Snacks

I will swap out 1 prepackaged snacks a day for fresh fruits or veggies.



Discover Together

I will spend 1 minutes educating my family on the basics of living a reduced/no-plastic lifestyle.



Pet Waste

I will spend 10 minutes learning how to compost pet waste at home or research pet waste composting services available in my area.



Minimize Packaging

I will purchase food items with the least amount of packaging.



Share My Actions

I will make my environmental actions visible by posting to my social media networks.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Shop the Bulk Bins
    How has buying bulk impacted the quality of the food you receive? Why do you think Western society relies more on prepackaged foods rather than buying in bulk?

    Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/24/2019 2:42 PM
    I recognized today that I usually avoid the bulk bins due to perceiving them as an inconvenience! I chose this action because I know I always want to shop bulk & hardly ever do. Taking the time to find the little pencil, write it down, possible confusion at checkout and freshness for nuts have been my barriers. At Luckys today I was so impressed with how much faster & easier it is- they have a scale right there that prints the label- the other stores I have used bulk do not & I never 'feel like it.' Now I know there is no barrier for me not to at least at Luckys!

    • Beth Beek Blackford's avatar
      Beth Beek Blackford 7/28/2019 6:29 PM
      Tip: bring your own container, put it on the scale, enter the code for what you'll buy, and stick the label on the BOTTOM.  Then do it again with container filled & stick label on the TOP.  Easy to do the math at checkout & you'll save a step next time!
    Food Minimize Packaging
    With the added mindfulness of reducing your packaging, what have you noticed about the amount and type of single use plastics used for packaging when you shop in the grocery store?

    Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/11/2019 10:35 AM
    We are currently on a road trip up to Smoky Mtns (yay!) and when deciding where to stop for lunch while on the hwy, we chose a local restaurant instead of fast food- felt great to skip disposables and enjoy a clean lunch! Well worth the 10 min detour...

  • Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/05/2019 11:57 AM
    A new habit for me that has been developing is no bag at all if I can carry the items I am buying. It takes the pressure off for me to remember by reusable bags and somehow just seems so simple- I am liking it!

    • Mary Dru Bowman's avatar
      Mary Dru Bowman 7/12/2019 6:48 AM
      But Wendy, I get lots of great exercise when I have to leave my full cart in the store while I walk back to the car for my cloth bags that I forgot to bring with me ;-)

    • Chris Kane's avatar
      Chris Kane 7/06/2019 7:56 PM
      great work, wendy
    Community Share My Actions
    In what ways is social media an effective tool for sharing your values?

    Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/03/2019 6:24 AM
    I am learning as a business owner in the sustainability arena that not everyone is my customer and that is OK. As I fine tune my message to my customer, the conscious consumer, I am able to better serve by having a deeper understanding of what they want, need and expect from me. I went from a public position in my last job where I needed to be careful about expressing my personal opinions and now am developing my own voice. I am proud to use it to better communicate my personal values and to grow as an entrepreneur with a pure heart and integrity for what I believe in. Social media is an effective tool for sharing by example to my customers and inspiring thoughtful action. Time to write my next blog post!

  • Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/01/2019 6:05 AM
    I know I can do better and am always looking for ways to improve my own habits as well as get ideas on how to help my family learn. I chose actions I already think about (am halfway there) and just have not taken the extra step to make them habits. Hoping this will push me into making them second nature. Excited to read everyone else's progress and am proud to be a member of the Recycle Brevard Team!!
    Family Swap the Snacks
    How does swapping out prepackaged snacks for fresh fruit or veggies benefit your family?

    Wendy Barnes's avatar
    Wendy Barnes 7/01/2019 6:02 AM
    It's amazing how easy it is to explain to young people- I just gave my daughter grapes and explained the difference between prepackaged and fresh. I do that all the time but not usually as I hand her the snack. She immediately started naming other fruits that fit- apples, etc. I feel like the minute it took to take the time and give a short lesson coupled with the action could make a world of difference for her. We also talked about how the grapes came in a plastic bag but at least they were bulk and could serve multiple snacks from one package. Will make an effort together now to look for grapes in places that avoid the plastic bag altogether.

    • Beth Beek Blackford's avatar
      Beth Beek Blackford 7/01/2019 6:57 AM
      Tip: freeze some & substitute for ice cubes in smoothies, or as a different kind of popsicle!