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Erica Dellwo's avatar

Erica Dellwo

Owl Moon Meadow


  • 0 TODAY
  • 255 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    zero-waste meals

Erica's actions


Shop the Bulk Bins

I will purchase dry goods from the bulk section of my grocery store, and use my own containers to do so.



Takeout Pro

I will use my own containers when ordering takeout.



Cook a Zero-Plastic Waste Meal

I will prepare 2 meal(s) at home each day without using any items packaged in single-use plastic.


Personal Care

Lather Up

I will replace my soaps, shampoos, and conditions with either a bar or refillable option.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/22/2019 6:30 PM
    This challenge to go "plastic-free" for a month has been really eye-opening. I didn't think I used that much plastic - gosh, our two person household only throws out one small bag of trash each week, normally. But suddenly I'm looking at everything with a critical eye. Well, what can I say. I won't let perfection be the enemy of the good. I've adopted some changes that I'm going to keep, and add to those as I go.

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/10/2019 9:06 PM
    I called Barr-Tech, the commercial composting facility that accepts the materials in Spokane's green yard waste carts. I asked about compostable plates, cutlery & cups from large parties/picnics. I was told that anything labeled "compostable" can be composted at their facility, but it's best to bag everything in a "compostable" bag (they get theirs from Office Depot!) Make sure it says "compostable" because the driver might mistake it for trash. Recommended sites:, "LetsGoGreen",, and Composting Council were suggested resources.

    • Erica Dellwo's avatar
      Erica Dellwo 7/22/2019 6:02 PM
      I will just add that WinCo stocks these "compostable" cups, utensils, plates, bowls, etc. in the same aisle as other picnic supplies. So far, they have the best prices I've found.

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/10/2019 8:54 PM
    Yeah, failed again. Breakfast yogurt = plastic tub. Lunchtime peanut butter = plastic jar (although WinCo has a peanut grinder in the bulk aisle - I'll go there next). Dinner tempeh = plastic freezer bag. I just can't do it. 

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/07/2019 10:04 PM
    I'll admit I'm finding it very hard to go "plastic-free" for my meals. My coffee beans come in a plastic bag; my soy milk carton has a plastic spout in the side of it; I don't know where to buy cheese that's not shrink-wrapped in plastic; the Parmesan cheese and spices for tonight's pasta (purchased from the bulk bin at least) came in -you guessed it- plastic bottles. This exercise has raised my awareness, and I can honestly say that I'm a convert to the bulk bins, but I don't know how to live without plastic. 

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 9:48 PM
    Hi, Barb, I loved your message to the team - a good reminder to check in on a regular basis. Actually, I've been shopping thrift shops, antiques stores, consignment stores, estate and yard sales, and Craigslist first for "new to me" goods and clothing for several years. I only buy something new when I've searched and searched and had no luck. It's amazing what's out there. And don't forget to check your local library (most have more than just books) and rental options. 
    Personal Care Lather Up
    What are the economic and personal benefits of switching to bar soap/shampoo/conditioner or refillable bottle options?

    Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 12:04 PM
    Uh, actually I'm not aware of any personal benefits. I'm paying more and have to go out of my way to go to the one store that offers this refillable bottle option. I'm going to do it because it's the right thing to do and I can. 

  • Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 11:52 AM
    How's my challenge going? Yesterday was errand day and I forgot my dang bottle for buying conditioner in bulk, so I'll need to go back another day. I got hungry so I went to Subway; my order was "to go" but it was only wrapped in paper, and I said no bag and no napkins, and they graciously agreed to let me refill my water bottle. 
    Food Shop the Bulk Bins
    How has buying bulk impacted the quality of the food you receive? Why do you think Western society relies more on prepackaged foods rather than buying in bulk?

    Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 11:42 AM
    Buying bulk is the same quality as buying prepackaged, as far as I'm concerned. I think Western society relies more on prepackaged foods for several reasons: Time, Brand Identification, and Choice. Time - Families work hard and are always taking their kids to enrichment activities; getting foods from bulk and deli takes time. Brand Identification - Companies work hard to distinguish their product from the competition; most bulk items have no brand. Choice - My kitty has a sensitive stomach and even barfs out most "sensitive stomach" food formulas; my only choice is to buy prepackaged food (and yes, we reuse the empty food bag for disposing of his kitty litter).
    Food Cook a Zero-Plastic Waste Meal
    Do an inventory of your kitchen to see how many single-use plastics you've used in the past. What are some resuable alternatives to these commonly used products? What would your impact be if you switched all the single-use products from your inventory to reusable?

    Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 11:30 AM
    Inventory of my kitchen. Well, I have a roll of cling wrap that must be a couple of years old by now as I have a lot of washable, re-usable alternatives. Most plastic bags have two uses here: collecting trash and soiled kitty litter.
    Food Takeout Pro
    How could you mitigate issues that may arise if the restaurant does not want to let you use your own containers at first?

    Erica Dellwo's avatar
    Erica Dellwo 7/03/2019 11:02 AM
    If they claim this is a health department issue, I'll contact the health department to learn the rules. If the rules allow for me to bring my own containers, I'll contact the manager and explain why this is so important to me.  I find most of the people I talk to are very warm and understanding.