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Zero Waste PDX Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Minimize Packaging
    With the added mindfulness of reducing your packaging, what have you noticed about the amount and type of single use plastics used for packaging when you shop in the grocery store?

    Caitlin M.'s avatar
    Caitlin M. 7/26/2019 12:56 PM
    I'm always shocked at the amount of plastic used in grocery and retail stores. I've worked retail and clothes often come in a single plastic bag per item. Even things on the shelves that appear to be free of plastic packaging can come to the store wrapped in plastic and employees remove it before stocking the items. The sheer amount of waste is disheartening.

  • Amanda  Chastain 's avatar
    Amanda Chastain 7/19/2019 12:43 PM
    I bartend, and we use plastic wrap to cover the sugar/salt etc rim bowls at the end of every night. I had been advocating for a greener system for a while, and my manager finally came through with Pyrex containers with lids. I know it's a small change but that's less plastic used daily!

  • Caitlin M.'s avatar
    Caitlin M. 7/19/2019 11:18 AM
    I reached out to my senator and representative at the Oregon legislature. I shared my concern for the amount of wasted packaging and the issue that plastic bags still available at produce and bulk food isles.
    Lifestyle Buy Only What I Need
    As you have reduced your spending, what have you noticed about your 'health and safety' purchasing habits? How might this change your longer term purchasing decisions?

    Caitlin M.'s avatar
    Caitlin M. 7/19/2019 11:04 AM
    I slipped up today and purchased items I didn't need. When I was in Whole Foods, getting 100% recycled toilet paper, I saw their sustainably-made clothing was 40% off. I don't need new clothes but I couldn't pass up the chance at eco-friendly clothes. I haven't purchased any clothes in about a year, so I felt OK with my decision.
    Food Buy Unpackaged Produce
    Why do you think these produce products started amassing so much plastic packaging? Who is the plastic packaging really serving -- the consumer, the producer, or someone else?

    Amanda  Chastain 's avatar
    Amanda Chastain 7/15/2019 6:05 PM
    It is baffling that so much plastic is used for produce. I can see how it's beneficial in some instances, but now I'm seeing individually wrapped onions. That's insane! 
    Food Make Your Own
    How do you feel about being more involved in the food preparation process? Joyful, overwhelmed, engaged, empowered? What are the benefits of choosing to process or produce your own food instead of buying it pre-processed?

    Amanda  Chastain 's avatar
    Amanda Chastain 7/15/2019 6:01 PM
    I grow a lot of produce at home and it is extremely rewarding. I have been exploring ways to preserve some of my garden items and recently made kimchi from the bok choy!

  • Emily Zahniser's avatar
    Emily Zahniser 7/15/2019 12:52 PM
    Today I wrote to my state representatives and the Oregon Department of Agriculture to ask them to change archaic laws that prohibit consumers efforts to reduce packaging waste by making bringing your own containers and bags unlawful. 

  • Amanda  Chastain 's avatar
    Amanda Chastain 7/14/2019 2:23 PM
    I've been going to the farmers market more to limit package waste. It's amazing how much plastic is avoided by doing this!
    Community Sign a Petition
    What is a plastic-related issue in your state/province?

    Emily Zahniser's avatar
    Emily Zahniser 7/09/2019 12:08 PM
    I continue to work on house bills supported by the OLCV by writing my representatives!
    Food Make Your Own
    How do you feel about being more involved in the food preparation process? Joyful, overwhelmed, engaged, empowered? What are the benefits of choosing to process or produce your own food instead of buying it pre-processed?

    Byron Kimball's avatar
    Byron Kimball 7/05/2019 1:32 PM
    I've spent July attempting to make usual staples (like bread) and even cleaning/hygiene products (baking soda exfoliant) from scratch. So far, so well. Though the time commitment is real, I'm finding that it's been surprisingly enjoyable