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Weber State Green Team (pilot) Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Community Estimate Your Plastic Consumption and Go #PlasticNeutral
    What did you find out about your plastic consumption by using the calculator? What did or didn't surprise you?

    Cody Dennis's avatar
    Cody Dennis 7/18/2019 6:01 PM
    I never really thought about how much my takeout habits affected the environment. I've recently started cooking more than eating takeout, but even with my lowered consumption the impact is enormous. I guess that's just even more incentive to cook more often.
    Community Write Letters or Emails
    How might thinking creatively help us address big systems problems - like plastic pollution - differently?

    Taylor Arave's avatar
    Taylor Arave 7/10/2019 9:47 AM
    Creative solutions is the only way to fix out current plastic pollution problem. The easiest or most obvious solutions to this problem will almost certainly involve drastic changes to our current life styles or have other effects that hurt the environment in different ways. Another way creative Solutions helps is that the plastic industry lobbies the US government to not change anything and to keep using single use plastics. This is not something that will likely go away anytime soon, so we need to find creative ways to fix this problem without going through congress. 

  • William Soule's avatar
    William Soule 7/09/2019 5:56 PM
    Been using my own cup, been bringing in my own bag to the grocery store, and I've been bringing my own reusable food container to work!
    Family Discover Together
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Taylor Arave's avatar
    Taylor Arave 7/06/2019 6:26 PM
    I spent about 30 minutes talking with my sister about ideas to reduce waste in their new home. They are very very excited to own there first home but also concerned that they will live a less sustainable/environmentally friendly life in their new home. My sister is planning a composting area, a garden covering a lot of the yard and taking her own cotton bags to the store. 
    Lifestyle Natural Fibers
    What are the benefits (to people, animals, and the environment) of purchasing clothes made with natural fibers?

    Taylor Arave's avatar
    Taylor Arave 7/06/2019 6:22 PM
    I bought a shirt today and instead of buying the slightly cheaper polyester blend, I bought the 100% cotton. 

  • William Soule's avatar
    William Soule 7/06/2019 3:22 PM
    Brought my own water bottle to lunch with me, helping me avoid the use of a plastic water cup that would have ended up in the landfill. A tiny step, but it's something!
    Food Buy Unpackaged Produce
    Why do you think these produce products started amassing so much plastic packaging? Who is the plastic packaging really serving -- the consumer, the producer, or someone else?

    Laurie Huntington's avatar
    Laurie Huntington 7/02/2019 7:56 PM
    I have to think some of the additional produce packaging is due to so many items no longer being local. The producer & retailer may be the real beneficiary in the packaging perhaps limiting damage during storage and shipping.  Buying local at farmer's markets and such circumvents both of these problems and the produce is fresher and tastier.
    Food Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
    Single use plastics have become normalized in our society to the point that most people don't see them as a problem. What would you say to a friend, colleague, or family member who may not understand why these disposables are an issue?

    Laurie Huntington's avatar
    Laurie Huntington 7/02/2019 7:51 PM
    I think the photos of ocean pollution and the solutions like plastic bank speak volumes.
    Community Write Letters or Emails
    How might thinking creatively help us address big systems problems - like plastic pollution - differently?

    Laurie Huntington's avatar
    Laurie Huntington 7/02/2019 7:50 PM
    The little things add up.  Whether the plastic straw, excess packaging, or not recycling each negative action has a magnified impact but so does each positive one.  Many companies seem to have the environment on their radar and seem more open to ideas that are planet friendly than they may have been in the past.

    Lifestyle Complete a Waste Audit
    What did you learn about the waste you create? Where can you reduce the most?

    Laurie Huntington's avatar
    Laurie Huntington 7/02/2019 7:27 PM
    I learned that much of the waste created in my household is in fast food cups, straws, and food waste.