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Carey  Compton's avatar

Carey Compton

SAGE EcoLogicals

"Single Use Plastics are devastating our planet and killing many animals. It's time for us human to get our act together and rid our lives of using Single Use Plastics, Now. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 628 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Carey 's actions


Advocate For More Food Packaging Options

I will advocate for alternatives to single use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, or work.



Minimize Packaging

I will purchase food items with the least amount of packaging.



Pet Waste

I will spend 2 minutes learning how to compost pet waste at home or research pet waste composting services available in my area.



Use Reusables at Work

I will use reusable dishes and silverware when eating at work.



Travel Eating

If traveling, I will bring my own airplane snacks and eat at local restaurants to avoid take-out containers.



Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.



Lobby for Reusables

I will lobby my workplace to have reusable dishes and silverware in order to minimize disposables.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/31/2019 1:33 PM
    Thanks for another eco challenge. Keep up the good work everyone 
    Food Lobby for Reusables
    What are some of the cases you could make to an employer for why switching to durable dishes and utensils is actually in their best interest as well?

    Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/30/2019 9:48 AM
    I am not sure if this would convince the cafe to use non plastic utensils  but hiring a dishwasher would help an unemployed person out.   

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/30/2019 4:25 AM
    On my weekend travels, while I was advocating for not using single use plastic, with my reusable bags, I learned that Connecticut is going to charge 5 cents for each plastic bag starting soon (Aug. 1, 2019)   in all the stores, state wide.  

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/30/2019 4:20 AM
    Picked blueberries at my Dad's house and ate them right from the bushes, so no plastics needed except for the reusable gallon milk jug cut off. 

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/30/2019 4:18 AM
    Vehicle travel day is very hard to not generate plastic although I did my best with bringing in my reusable bags and reusable containers with me.  
    Pets Pet Waste
    By composting your pet waste, you are turning waste into nutrients to feed the soil. In what other ways can you turn waste into a resource in your life?

    Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/21/2019 12:03 PM
    To compost whatever waste you can is a means to turn waste into a resource in each of our lives.  Composting is relatively easy with a kitchen composter on the county that you empty to the outside composter daily or weekly and composted soil is rich in nutrients that you can use on your flower &/or vegetable garden.  Unfortunately, I was not able to get a pet waste service in my area so I will continue to let the dog do his business out in the small woods area out back where his decomposes into the soil there away from surface water like river or stream.  And, when we walk the dog we use biobags that are biodegradable dog waste bags that go into the garbage and decompose there.  
    Food Use Reusables at Work
    It is often true that we only have control over our own actions and not the collective community. How can you lead by example when it comes to switching disposables for reusable dishes in your community?

    Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/20/2019 10:24 AM
    That's easy, I ask a colleague walking down the hallway at lunchtime carrying a plastic bag, why in 2019 do they not have a reusable bag to put their take out lunch in?  I have also noticed on occasion  if what's in the plastic bag is styrofoam, and if so then why haven't they asked for an alternative or brought their own from home to take out in a more sustainable container. After all, it is 2019, right?  I have worked at my DEP office for nearly 30 years and its good to see the younger generation come in and start, so I feel its my duty to let them know carrying plastic is supporting a fossil fuel industry that we don't want to support, I ask, right?  They smile and it gets them thinking....for next time. 

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/19/2019 10:10 AM
    Basically #4-7 plastics are the worst that should be avoided at all costs

    • Louisa Lubiak's avatar
      Louisa Lubiak 7/19/2019 11:54 AM
      Thanks for posting the plastics chart, very informative. By the numbers, this is one "lottery" I wish I didn't have to play every day.  }:-P

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/19/2019 9:50 AM
    I am trying not to use my cube garbage can with a frequently changed plastic bag when I do use it . 

  • Carey  Compton's avatar
    Carey Compton 7/19/2019 9:37 AM

    • Carey  Compton's avatar
      Carey Compton 7/19/2019 10:08 AM
      In fact #6 apparently does leach so I will divinity reframe from getting it with my take out food ever again - see attached # of plastics and “Does it Leach?” Is the 4th column and “Recycles?” Is the 5th column 

    • Carey  Compton's avatar
      Carey Compton 7/19/2019 9:43 AM
      I do reuse and will reuse that small #6 plastic little cup but I really should reframe from taking it at all because it’s not Recyclable that I know of and from what I’ve seen, it may leach - ugh !!!