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Cecily Williams's avatar

Cecily Williams

OHSU Foundation

"My mission is to stop buying things that come in non-recyclable plastic packaging. "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 120 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    pieces of plastic cutlery
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straw
    not sent to the landfill

Cecily's actions


Buy Unpackaged Produce

I will purchase produce items without plastic packaging.



Make Your Own

I will try new recipe(s) or food preparation method(s) each day, such as canning, pickling, making yogurt, or baking granola bars or bread.



Advocate For More Food Packaging Options

I will advocate for alternatives to single use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, or work.


Personal Care

Brusha Brusha Brusha

I will replace my plastic toothbrush with a bamboo toothbrush.



Use Reusable Utensils

I will keep 2 plastic cutlery out of the landfill per day by using my own reusable cutlery.



Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Shop the Bulk Bins

I will purchase dry goods from the bulk section of my grocery store, and use my own containers to do so.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 12:11 PM
    I just want to say that this challenge truly did significantly change my habits in a number of ways. I think it's been a huge success. 
    Personal Care Brusha Brusha Brusha
    What are the benefits of switching to bamboo toothbrushes? How would you implore others in your community to make this switch as well?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:56 AM
    This is tough because I use a rechargable electric toothbrush most of the time. However, I bought a Radius toothbrush from Grove Collaborative, which has a handle of post-consumer materials like wood, paper and dollar bills. The brush heads can be replaced. What I think really needs to change is the dentistry field. When dentists give out free plastic toothbrushes to patients twice a year, that's generating tons of plastic. I did speak with my dentist about that at my recent appointment and did not take a plastic toothbrush at my visit.
    I would implore others by talking about what an unnecessary waste plastic toothbrushes create. Yes, they're free to you, but they create a huge amount of waste.
    Food Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
    Single use plastics have become normalized in our society to the point that most people don't see them as a problem. What would you say to a friend, colleague, or family member who may not understand why these disposables are an issue?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:51 AM
    Most of these plastics aren't even recyclable, so they end up in the trash. I would say that the impact of all these plastics on our oceans and rivers is so great that I'm really trying to make an effort to change the way I live, and maybe I'd recommend some of the changes I've made. (I don't want to shame someone because I don't think that will work.) I would tell them that I pledge not to buy any more of those Costco foods in a plastic bag - like wild rice, curried vegetables, lentils, etc. - that are ready to eat. I wish these were at least available in cans that could be recycled because they are delicious, healthy and convenient. I also don't like the idea of heating my food in a plastic bag! Now I'm even starting to understand the benefit of grinding your own peanut butter at the store. It's all coming together for me - slowly.
    Food Shop the Bulk Bins
    How has buying bulk impacted the quality of the food you receive? Why do you think Western society relies more on prepackaged foods rather than buying in bulk?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:44 AM
    One answer: beans. People are accustomed to buying canned beans so they don't have to soak them. It's so easy to buy other things like oats and cous cous in bulk, but it's a learning curve to do things like beans that are so much quicker out of a can.
    Food Use Reusable Utensils
    How can you be an advocate for using resusables instead of disposables for the rest of your community? Where are they currently dependent on disposable cutlery, and how can you convince them of the need for change?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:42 AM
    It's hosting parties that are so hard for me. We hosted a party in July, and it killed me to have disposable plastic forks and cups. I tried to work around it by offering finger food and sandwiches that don't require utensils, and we can wash and reuse the plastic cups. We ended up using utensils left over from a previous party, but I would like to have a stash of silverware that we have on hand for parties. It's only once or twice a year, but it makes a difference.
    Food Make Your Own
    How do you feel about being more involved in the food preparation process? Joyful, overwhelmed, engaged, empowered? What are the benefits of choosing to process or produce your own food instead of buying it pre-processed?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:40 AM
    I feel joyful and empowered. I never ended up making yogurt in my Instant Pot, but it's a goal for this summer. I will do it! I also have a recipe for bars that I have been wanting to try, but I didn't do it within the month of July.
    Obviously, it's good to know and have control over what's in your food. It's also so good in terms of reducing fossil fuels from shipping things such as yogurt.
    Food Skip the Straw
    Have you noticed a shift in your community as more messaging about reusable straws becomes mainstream? Cite some examples.

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:37 AM
    I think it's still new, even for Portland, but I did notice that REI sells straw carriers. 

    I am trying to lead by example. I bought a little carrier to keep my straw, cleaner and utensils in one pouch in my purse. 
    Food Buy Unpackaged Produce
    Why do you think these produce products started amassing so much plastic packaging? Who is the plastic packaging really serving -- the consumer, the producer, or someone else?

    Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/31/2019 11:35 AM
    I had to look at my own fear of germs - I always thought I needed to bag my produce separately at the grocery store. This challenge forced me to try a new method and put them all in one cloth bag. 
    I still have a hard time with things like cherry tomatoes. I need to be better about shopping at the farmers market to eliminate those plastic containers.

  • Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/03/2019 2:29 PM
    I was intrigued by those waxed cloth food wraps to replace plastic wrap. I bought three from Etee. They were a little pricey and I didn't think they worked that well. Have you tried them? I'm excited to see that Trader Joe's offers a similar product at a better price:

  • Cecily Williams's avatar
    Cecily Williams 7/03/2019 2:25 PM
    My husband, in his eternal optimism, is currently storing our plastic clamshells and other things that we used to take to Far West Recycling in hopes that China or someone will start recycling them again. It's starting to take up a lot of space in our attic, and I'm not as optimistic!
    I used to buy big plastic boxes of salad mix, but for the last few months I have just been buying a head of lettuce, washing it, then storing it in the lettuce spinner in the fridge all week. Each morning as I'm making my lunch, I grab a few leaves and stuff them in a mason jar as the base of a salad. It's easy, the greens are fresher, and it adds zero plastic to my attic.

    • Heather McLendon's avatar
      Heather McLendon 7/08/2019 8:24 AM
      I love this salad tip!! Please add it to our ideas wall in the workplace kitchen!