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Scott Stuart's avatar

Scott Stuart



  • 0 TODAY
  • 427 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Scott's actions

Personal Care

Brusha Brusha Brusha

I will replace my plastic toothbrush with a bamboo toothbrush.



Try a Pet Shampoo Bar

I will replace my pet's shampoo with an eco-friendly shampoo bar.



Use Reusable Bags

I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases, including produce bags.



Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup

I will avoid sending 1 disposable cup(s) to the landfill per day by using a reusable mug or bringing my own collapsible cup.



Swap the Snacks

I will swap out 1 prepackaged snacks a day for fresh fruits or veggies.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 8/01/2019 11:51 AM
    My reflection is this.  It can be simple to reduce the plastic in my life and developing new habits is a challenge.  I would like to preface my following remarks by saying that it important for all of us to be conscious of what we consume, what we buy and use.
    However, as individuals we are not responsible alone for global climate disaster.  The solution to environmental degradation has to come form an institutional level.  The military and corporate sectors are huge polluters.  The solution is a collective solution that is a threat to Military and Corporate behavior without consequences such as regulation and meaningful punishment for environmental and economic crimes.  While we as individuals stop using disposable razors and plastic produce bags, environmental regulations is being rolled back and threatens our air and water quality and the very existence of pollinators that are essential to our food supply.
    Our individual actions are important, make no mistake.  And our collective action to resist institutional environmental crimes is essential to our survival as a species.  Let us not become complacent because we take a cotton grocery bag to the supermarket.

  • Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/16/2019 4:39 PM
    One benefit from this challenge is switching to a double edged steel safety razor.  When I first began shaving as a teen my Mom probably bought me a butterfly style Gillette safety razor at the supermarket and that is what I used for years.  I eventually bought an electric shaver and used that for years.  I still have it and use it because replacement parts are still available.  I have used disposable razors, too.  I used the last one at the beginning of the challenge and that is the end of that.  I purchased a steel safety razor and learned that there a several styles and price ranges of the actual razors, razor blades, and shaving products.  It seems there is a renaissance in the "manly" art of shaving with a safety razor.  The drawback is that it takes time so one might as well make a ritual of it.  I find that a pre-shave oil makes for a smoother and closer shave.  Thew butterfly style safety razor my Mom bought me is still a style, is not an aggressive shave, and costs a lot more than it did in the mid 1960s.  If one wants to go really environmental, then shaving soap and a brush and mug are the way to go as it eliminates a metal can of shaving cream, or a plastic tube of shaving lotion.  Many shaving soaps come in paper packaging that can be recycled.  Shave oils and tonics often come in glass which can be recycled.  Going back to the OG shaving equipment will reduce the environmental impact, and leave your face date-night smooth.

    • Jacqui McGrath's avatar
      Jacqui McGrath 7/17/2019 6:41 AM
      I like the idea of shaving as a ritual using the old fashioned tools and tonics. It sounds like a special self-care routine, way nicer than the plastic throw away razors and aerosol cans!

  • Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/16/2019 8:50 AM
    My biggest challenge with the Challenge is remembering to take the non- disposable coffee mug with me when I head to my coffee shop.  And to remember to take the cotton shopping bag with me to the grocery store.  Creating new habits is not as easy as I thought it would be.
    Family Swap the Snacks
    How does swapping out prepackaged snacks for fresh fruit or veggies benefit your family?

    Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/05/2019 2:45 PM
    We are eating more fresh fruits and less stuff such as chips and power bars.
    Pets Try a Pet Shampoo Bar
    In what ways does your pet make your life happier, more interesting, or more rewarding?

    Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/02/2019 12:34 PM
    I live with a very big cat who says his name is Bear.  He is quite affectionate and wants to be right next to or sitting on me at all times when I am home.  This makes me happy, most of the time.  When I work at my computer in my home office he wants to sit right on my computer mouse pad and is stubborn about it.  This is annoying. So outside he goes. He is warm and purrs a lot.  He does not require a lot of attention other than feeding, brushing, and petting but taking care of another beating heart in the home is rewarding.  
    Food Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/02/2019 12:29 PM
    I have not been shopping yet since the Challenge started.  I find this challenging to remember to bring my own bags and containers.  I will be sure to have shopping bags and containers in my car at all times so they are handy even if I need to make a quick stop after work before I get home.
    Personal Care Brusha Brusha Brusha
    What are the benefits of switching to bamboo toothbrushes? How would you implore others in your community to make this switch as well?

    Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/02/2019 9:03 AM
    Benefits are that I will not be adding plastic teeth brushes to the landfill and bamboo is biodegradable.  The bamboo feels a little weird in my mouth right now, just slightly rough, but I am sure I will get used to it.  The packaging is all paper, no plastic so it will get recycled.  I believe the bristles are nylon, so not 100% but a big step in the right direction.  I don't usually throw out my plastic teeth brushes.  I put the old ones in my tool box or shoe shine kit and re-purpose them.
    Food Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup
    Great job on getting rid of your disposable cup habit! How does it make you feel? What's next on your list to reduce your waste?

    Scott Stuart's avatar
    Scott Stuart 7/02/2019 8:59 AM
    I bought a ceramic cup with a silicon lid that looks just like the paper coffee cups at my favorite coffee shop.  I have been using three or four paper cups a week and feel the shame.  No more of that from here on.