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Mike Marxen's avatar

Mike Marxen



  • 0 TODAY
  • 147 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill

Mike's actions


Visit the Butcher

I will purchase meats and cheeses from the deli counter or a butcher shop, and use my own containers to do so.



Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Mike Marxen's avatar
    Mike Marxen 7/15/2019 1:34 AM
    Almost midway through our plastic challenge.  I am minimizing my consumption and reusing plastic containers that do come into the house either through purchase or through people bringing food over.  I select glass containers when possible.  I am learning about our wide dependence on plastic and know that recycling programs are critical for management of our reliance on plastic.   

  • Mike Marxen's avatar
    Mike Marxen 7/11/2019 11:30 PM
    Brought my lunch from home today, a sandwich wrapped in wax paper.   That in itself  is good, no plastic consumed today.  However, the bread I used came out of a plastic bag, the chicken from a plastic container, the mayo from a plastic bottle and lettuce from a plastic bag,  Yikes! 

  • Mike Marxen's avatar
    Mike Marxen 7/11/2019 1:24 AM
    This challenge is hard!  Seems like nearly every product in stores has some plastic packaging.  This has increased my awareness on how dependent we are on plastic. I am successful at not using plastic in morning and at lunch time and working  to find evening meals with limited plastic packaging for home meal prep.  At a social last night I brought home several used plastic cups to wash and reuse for my party this weekend.    If I end up using plastic ware when out, I strive to reuse.   

  • Mike Marxen's avatar
    Mike Marxen 7/03/2019 1:05 AM
    Off to a good start!   Plastic free was a key consideration when I went to the cafeteria this morning.  Cookie wrapped in plastic lost out to a home baked piece of cake that I could put on a plate.  Tasted great and met my goal to be plastic free today!

    • Kim Smith's avatar
      Kim Smith 7/03/2019 5:45 PM
      Nice choice on the cake, Mike.  I didn't realize that you had made this cookie vs. cake decision.
    Food Visit the Butcher
    How has using your own containers impacted the quality of the food you receive? Does this give you more awareness of where your food comes from as opposed to just grabbing a package of mystery origin cheese/meat?

    Mike Marxen's avatar
    Mike Marxen 7/03/2019 12:57 AM
    Using my own containers makes my food seem more fresh and it likely is.  When pre-packaged, you know that it has been sitting for a day or two.  Fresh matters!  I like to be aware of where my food comes from but that is not always possible.  I can ask the person at the meat counter and he/she would know where the fresh food comes from but not know where the prepackaged products originate.