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Alice Brazier's avatar

Alice Brazier

Pure Planet


  • 0 TODAY
  • 168 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Alice's actions


Visit the Butcher

I will purchase meats and cheeses from the deli counter or a butcher shop, and use my own containers to do so.



Use Reusables at Work

I will use reusable dishes and silverware when eating at work.



Shop the Bulk Bins

I will purchase dry goods from the bulk section of my grocery store, and use my own containers to do so.



Buy Unpackaged Produce

I will purchase produce items without plastic packaging.


Personal Care

Dam the Flow

I will use a menstrual cup and/or cloth pads



Watch a Documentary

I will watch a documentary film about waste with family and friends and talk about what we learned.



Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.



Thoughtful Toys

I will only buy cloth, wooden or plant-based natural rubber toys. Or make our own toys from recycled items found in our home!


Personal Care

Fresh as a Daisy

I will use deodorant either from a bar or a jar or I will make my own.



Homemade Cleaners

I will make my own cleaning products at home.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 8/01/2019 12:16 AM
    Yesterday, we started a garden. It's late in the season to be planting, but with my gardener aunt visiting from New Zealand, now was the time to act. We were able to source seedlings locally, for a variety of vegetables such a leafy greens like spinach and lettuce, and some larger plants like courgette and cucumber. We used up all the pots we had, placing them in sunny patches of the garden, we cleared only 3 sq. ft of grass. We live in the centre of the city and have a small garden. I'd always projected food growing into my future, something done if I ever have a large garden at my disposal. But I became pretty excited by the idea that I can start producing food for us, out of our small city garden, right now. We identified quite a few other areas of the garden, walls and roofs(!) where pots of food could grow, and most of all I've been given the confidence about what I do to start them off, how to handle the seedlings, and how to use water and compost to use to get them growing. OK, ideally I'd have a huge home-made compost heap (where food waste wasn't going to be eaten by rats and foxes), a green house and plenty of spare ground to work with. Short of that though, my eyes have been opened. We have the ability to grow food in our small city garden and maybe we don't need to sacrifice all the cultural events and diversity the city has to offer, in the quest for a sustainable life... definitely another piece of the puzzle. 
    Lifestyle Watch a Documentary
    Which documentary did you choose to watch? What did you learn?

    Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 7/15/2019 8:33 AM
    Food Shop the Bulk Bins
    How has buying bulk impacted the quality of the food you receive? Why do you think Western society relies more on prepackaged foods rather than buying in bulk?

    Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 7/13/2019 5:36 AM
    Today I visited a health food store to buy loose nuts (we eat lots of them in our house). I filled paper bags with loose nuts and, when home, poured them into my mason jars. I wasn't able to get all the varieties I would usually, but the levels of smug happiness balanced it out - this system's a keeper.
    Family Thoughtful Toys
    Does your child play differently with natural or repurposed toys than with other toys? If so, how?

    Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 7/11/2019 1:43 AM
    With my son's third birthday this week, I was feeling the pressure to meet the child's birthday 'tick box' of modern life. Balloons, decorations, wrapping paper, little toys, big toys, new books, polyester fancy dress, a party...

    If there's any area that causes an internal battle about buying plastic, it's where my son is concerned (I'm aware of the irony of that).

    It actually was a matter of coming face to face with the fact that my 3 year old, although a lover of plastic toys, actually only wants moments of personal connection - what an epiphany! Although this might be enhanced or facilitated by the games we can play with the odd piece of plastic, it's actual pretty peripheral. 

    A central part of what makes parenting so hard is the feeling that you're never doing enough for your kid(s). The marketing and selling of numerous objects made of cheap plastic, really taps into this fear.

    I came to the following practical conclusions about my purchases -

    - Cake to be decorated with sugar icing, as it'll dissolve, unlike Plasticine, we don't have to eat it
    - House to be decorated with paper streamers instead of balloons 

    Party bags
    - One gift for each child - in this case a made-to-last metal and glass magnifying glass for our 'nature walk' rather than numerous cheap plastic items in a plastic bag.

    Gifts for the birthday boy
    - Plastic is a very durable product, for things which your going to use for years it's brilliant. I focused my money on expensive plastic toys which are known to last - Playmobil in this case - I know that even years after he's stopped playing with this, I can resell to someone else, in almost the same condition and for almost the same value I brought it for. 
    - Fancy dress is about cardboard and old clothes - cut up old clothes, staple them with cardboard, glue pieces of magazine on, paint it all - that's fancy dress.
    - Less is more - I want to teach him that materialism isn't what life's about. If I buy him lots of toys I'm not giving him that message.
    Food Buy Unpackaged Produce
    Why do you think these produce products started amassing so much plastic packaging? Who is the plastic packaging really serving -- the consumer, the producer, or someone else?

    Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 7/09/2019 12:16 AM
    I've started visiting the local fruit and veg shop. The range isn't as good and, kept in the heat, they often look a bit wilted. I've come to the conclusion that I'm still going to buy fine British Asparagus, cherries, and Cox' apples from the supermarket... but the local broccoli, potatoes, carrots, onions and bananas will do just fine. 
    Food Visit the Butcher
    How has using your own containers impacted the quality of the food you receive? Does this give you more awareness of where your food comes from as opposed to just grabbing a package of mystery origin cheese/meat?

    Alice Brazier's avatar
    Alice Brazier 7/09/2019 12:03 AM
    At my local butcher, there's no information about where the meat comes from or how the animal was treated in it's life. I'm wary to ask for more information in case I don't like the answer !

    • Lorelei Cole's avatar
      Lorelei Cole 7/11/2019 6:47 AM
      Is there a city farm or local farm shop you can try?  We were pleased that our local farm shop was able to provide a lot of detail about where the animal had lived and the conditions.  Although I don't eat meat y husband and son do, so it's important for us to know where this has come from and the standard of welfare