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Tucson Village Farmers Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Rita Wilhite's avatar
    Rita Wilhite 7/02/2019 3:22 PM
    I forgot my reusable bags again- tough to break old habits.
    Lifestyle Natural Fibers
    What are the benefits (to people, animals, and the environment) of purchasing clothes made with natural fibers?

    Rita Wilhite's avatar
    Rita Wilhite 7/02/2019 9:25 AM
    Natural fibers are renewable.
    Food Use Reusable Containers
    How can you think outside the box (or bag!) when it comes to disposables?

    Rita Wilhite's avatar
    Rita Wilhite 7/02/2019 9:24 AM
    Bring your own bags- or- lots of times, I don;t need a bag and use my big purse.
    Food Minimize Packaging
    With the added mindfulness of reducing your packaging, what have you noticed about the amount and type of single use plastics used for packaging when you shop in the grocery store?

    Rita Wilhite's avatar
    Rita Wilhite 7/02/2019 9:23 AM
    Plastic bags are the only bags at the self checkout. Yogurt is huge on single uses.
    Food Plant a Garden
    Besides having access to fresh herbs and vegetables, what benefits will you see from growing your own garden?

    Rita Wilhite's avatar
    Rita Wilhite 7/02/2019 9:22 AM
    The taste will be fresher. There will be less transportation costs.