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Protectors of the Blue - NEAq Community Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Community Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Meaghan Sorce's avatar
    Meaghan Sorce 7/31/2019 11:55 AM
    It at least makes me feel like I am not just turning a blind eye. Living in a city is especially hard, everywhere you look there is plastic.  I make an effort to pick up at least 10-20 pieces a day.  I like to focus on storm drains, and on any  trash that is a closed loop, as these can create entanglement risks for a range of wildlife. 
    Community Join a Cleanup Effort
    How does working with others to clean up your community make you feel?

    Meaghan Sorce's avatar
    Meaghan Sorce 7/31/2019 11:48 AM
    It is great because it is a way to spread education and make a tangible impact, but also have a good time outside doing a somewhat social activity.  It also makes me feel that if people see myself and others making an effort, they will think about their impacts and what they can do.
    Personal Care That Was a Close Shave
    What have you noticed about the economic and social impact of switching to steel razors? Was there ever really a need for disposable razors, or do you think it was just a way to sell more things?

    Anita Kim's avatar
    Anita Kim 7/29/2019 10:08 AM
    I haven't used my steel razor yet, but no I don't think there was a need for disposable razors. I think they were made as a convenience to people (like many plastic products) but not exactly as an improvement on what people used to use.  

    Razors can be expensive, particularly for women.  Changing to a steel razor and using a conditioner bar instead of shave gel can be really cost saving depending on your personal care routine.  

  • Stephanie Parham's avatar
    Stephanie Parham 7/24/2019 8:50 AM
    I've always wanted to try shaving with a straight razor. After a lot of research, this challenge motivated me to order one last night!

  • Erin Malloy's avatar
    Erin Malloy 7/22/2019 8:33 PM
    I was doing well. Bought a uv light water purifier for my trip... batteries leaked... it stopped working, had to buy bottled water (water not safe there) for 5 days until next accommodation that had a water refill station. I tried...

    • Erin Malloy's avatar
      Erin Malloy 7/24/2019 7:09 AM
      Thanks Anita!

    • Anita Kim's avatar
      Anita Kim 7/24/2019 6:46 AM
      You tried!  You can only do what you can do.  Your health must take priority.  Don't be discouraged!  
    Food Lobby for Reusables
    What are some of the cases you could make to an employer for why switching to durable dishes and utensils is actually in their best interest as well?

    Karen Buck's avatar
    Karen Buck 7/20/2019 8:54 AM
    I wrote an email to city councilors to use water jugs and paper cups for 7/4th and other events.  Two councilors followed through.  These are large events.  I received positive feedback about the less expense and ease of the jugs.  This was published in an article.

    Community Garden used reusable plates and cups for their luncheon today 

  • Anita Kim's avatar
    Anita Kim 7/17/2019 5:48 AM
    The New England Aquarium has a beach clean up happening this weekend! Learn more about the impact of community-level solutions here.
    If you'd like to participate in this event or other similar events, join our live blue serve corp.  Learn more here.
    Food Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Laurence Tardiani's avatar
    Laurence Tardiani 7/11/2019 9:02 AM
    Swapped single use zip lock bags for food safe lowes buckets to carry grain from the home brew store to home.
    Community Volunteer in my Community
    How does volunteering enhance your community and/or change your relationship with it?

    Laurence Tardiani's avatar
    Laurence Tardiani 7/10/2019 4:12 AM
    I'm part of a volunteer based green team at HBS with goals of educating our community on sustainability and making our buildings operate more efficiently. 
    Food Minimize Packaging
    With the added mindfulness of reducing your packaging, what have you noticed about the amount and type of single use plastics used for packaging when you shop in the grocery store?

    Stephanie Parham's avatar
    Stephanie Parham 7/08/2019 3:52 PM
    I was at road trip rest stop thinking about getting a snack, and every single thing to eat or drink was in plastic packaging. No oranges or bananas, no sodas in aluminum cans. Realizing this turned my stomach. I decided not to buy anything, I had enough snacks from home in the car to last the rest of the trip.