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Plastic Free Kittie Krew Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Lifestyle Homemade Cleaners
    What did you learn by making your own cleaning products? What is the biggest difference in making vs buying?

    Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/31/2019 11:06 AM
    Not only is this great for the environment but it is FUN and you can customize the product to your liking. I use essential oils and there are some oils that lift my spirits (such as pine and orange). These also make a great addition to your cleaner. So when I give my dirty counter a little spritz I also catch the uplifting scents that I love. It is also MUCH cheaper to make your own and you know exactly what is in your cleaner (if you are concerned with your own body, your family's, your pets ... and what your contributing to the water stream when you wash this cleaner down your drain). Finally, of course, in a reusable glass bottle there will be no waste going to the landfill!
    Pets Pet Waste
    By composting your pet waste, you are turning waste into nutrients to feed the soil. In what other ways can you turn waste into a resource in your life?

    Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/31/2019 11:01 AM
    It turns out that you cannot compost feline feces. This should be thrown away unfortunately as there can be parasites in the feces (that can last for years) that actually harm other animals in the environment. I did find that you can compost the litter portion of your cat litter - just not the feces (but definitely not on your own in your own garden). If you compost the litter it should be done in a commercial facility. One thing I do to turn "waste into resource" is to not use plastic bags to throw my cat litter away. I get creative in using items destined for the trash to wrap and/or package the litter. At my waste facility they have a machine that rips all plastic bags open so they are basically useless in "containing" anything (unless you're trying to keep your trash receptacle "clean" ... but this can always be washed!)
    Community Visit A Waste Management Facility
    Landfills and recycling centers tell us a lot about our communities and purchasing habits. What did you glean from your visit?

    Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/25/2019 10:49 AM
    During the tour to the waste station I learned that other countries are no longer taking our "recyclables". Therefore single use is literally becoming singe use. We need to stop wish-cycling and assuming our paper coffee cups and plastic bottles, etc. are not going to the landfills. They are. They are going to the landfills or ending up in our oceans. The 11th hour is here and we've reached the tipping point. It's time for us all to individually take action and stop using these items. 

  • Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/05/2019 11:58 AM
    Team, check out this amazing site that was recommended to me via a Plastic Free EcoChallenge email:  Plastic Free shipping! Beats Amazon hands down! It will take longer to get but as long as you plan ahead ... totally worth it!
    Food Plant a Garden
    Besides having access to fresh herbs and vegetables, what benefits will you see from growing your own garden?

    Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/05/2019 11:37 AM
    This is also helping the environment because I only grow organic. Bees and other beneficial insects are attracted to my garden and I feel good knowing that the pollen and nutrients they get are pesticide free and healthy. This helps contribute to their population growth. Also, having organic herbs and veggies are very beneficial to my family's health. I love making mint ice cubes because it grows like crazy and is so beneficial to our health and immune system!

  • Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/05/2019 11:29 AM
    Since the 1950’s about 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced—that’s the equivalent of roughly a billion elephants or 47 million blue whales. Sadly, only less than 10% of that plastic has been recycled, having devastating effects on animals like whales and turtles and on the people living along rivers and coastlines in Southeast Asia and in other communities around the world.
    Will you join me and tell the world’s biggest companies to stop producing single-use plastic? 
    Lifestyle Naked Bins
    Does changing the lining of your waste bin change the kind or amount of trash you produce?

    Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/03/2019 10:43 PM
    Yes! It's helping me reduce food waste! 

  • Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/02/2019 12:18 PM
    Recent cleanups and audits of plastic waste have revealed that Nestlé is one of the worst polluters. Nestlé sells a billion products a day with 98% of them wrapped in single-use packaging. Nestlé must stop endangering our oceans, communities, and wildlife around the world. Sign the petition to tell Nestlé: Stop producing single-use plastic and immediately start shifting toward systems of refill and reuse!

  • Traycee Jurado's avatar
    Traycee Jurado 7/01/2019 1:02 PM
    Started using reusable bags (washable) and ditching plastic trash bags
    Personal Care Pearly Whites
    Currently most of the packaging for toothpaste is plastic. How can you advocate for more alternatives through your purchasing power and influence in community?

    Jennifer Primuth's avatar
    Jennifer Primuth 6/28/2019 3:44 PM