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GreenWorks Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
    Single use plastics have become normalized in our society to the point that most people don't see them as a problem. What would you say to a friend, colleague, or family member who may not understand why these disposables are an issue?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/31/2019 5:08 PM
    I am disappointed that I did not get to this one.  I do have ideas of who to contact and what I want to say.  The year is not over.  There are some great documentaries.  I think if we could use some of that content or even watch them together, it would generate communication.  The biggest statement I know currently is...we use dishes, cups, straws, bottles for 5 minutes and then throw it away.  Is that wise?  I did give someone a stainless straw.  They used one at my house and loved it.  I had an extra one to give to someone.  It was perfect that they received it, because they use straws all the time due to sensitive teeth.  

  • Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/31/2019 5:03 PM
    I am signing out on the last day of Plastic EcoChallenge.  30 days make a habit.  I have gone from using approximately 7 plastic produce bags and 5 plastic grocery bags at minimum a week to zero!  I have not touched plastic wrap in 31 days!  I take my washable water bottle with me wherever I go.  I take my coffee cup when I want coffee and they do not have washable cups.  There are more things too, but enough is said to make the point.  It is amazing what a little focus and practicing with many other EcoChallengers does for the soul!  Thank you for pushing me to take note and to change.  The earth is a sparkling treasure.  
    Community Host a House Party
    What are the benefits of hosting a house party related to getting to know your guests, connecting them to the cause you are focusing on, and building your community?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/31/2019 4:57 PM
    I am planning to do this with some friends before the year is done.  I want to share what I have learned.  I continuing sharing with friends.  I model good practices with them and turn down some things...not making a big deal out of it, but just practicing what needs to be.  Friends can influence friends.   
    Community Visit A Waste Management Facility
    Landfills and recycling centers tell us a lot about our communities and purchasing habits. What did you glean from your visit?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/31/2019 4:55 PM
    So I wanted to do this, but it did not happen in July.  I am hoping to do this before the summers end.  I have visited landfills before and have even done environmental work at landfills.  It is an overpowering sight to see so much garbage from one city.  An incredible amount of work goes into making sure the material does not leach into soil.  We could all do better.  Land will not always exist where we can cover it with garbage and still protect our waterways.  
    Lifestyle Complete a Waste Audit
    What did you learn about the waste you create? Where can you reduce the most?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/31/2019 4:51 PM
    I was a bit shocked at the paper towels!  We had a gathering here and so things were a bit less normal.  Still.  Food containers for ice cream and popcorn, tea bag wrappers and bread wrappers, also receipts from grocery.  We should be able to compost a few of the items.  And once again I will be posting my waste online.  Yikes.  All month we have posted our plastic waste.  It is not my fav thing to do.  All in all, it is not terrible for one week of trash.  

  • Robin Stiles's avatar
    Robin Stiles 7/31/2019 1:12 PM
    The waste audit of our landfill trash was helpful. I hadn’t thought of doing it until this challenge.  
    The unavoidable items are stickie labels from fruits and veggies and from prescriptions. Well, if I buy all my produce locally at our farmers’ market - Voila! - no stickies there! 
    Used Kleenex and bandaids are unavoidable.  Well, how about using handkerchiefs?
    Plastic bags from frozen foods don’t go into the recycle bin at our supermarket, I think. Well, now I will check. I had 5 of those in 4days. 
    I had two handsful of dryer lint from our gas dryer. We had been putting it out for birds to take but Audubon Society says baby birds can choke on it. Well, I know I can dry clothes on a rack but I don’t want to. 
    A few other items made their way to our landfill can: greasy paper towels, tin foil and a piece of wax paper.  
    I feel much more aware after this 4 day listing of every item. 
    Food Use Reusable Water Bottles
    Using the links provided, investigate the bottling practices of water corporations. There have been many cases where the water rights of the local people have been violated or even completely disregarded when a corporation decides to bottle water from a particular water source. How can you advocate for those who have been harmed by this bottling process?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/30/2019 6:33 PM
    This is a difficult question, because corporations are considered to have the rights of a single entity and protected by law.   Sometimes the best way to counteract is to spread the word and then let your dollars speak for you.  In other words, expose their deeds and then boycott their products.  It is similar to the clothing industry.  Do not buy from companies that are abusing their employees.
    What I do not understand is why we limit our conversation to water?  What about all that soda and juices and teas.  The problem is single use plastic beverage containers!
    Community Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Jim Tolbert's avatar
    Jim Tolbert 7/30/2019 6:16 PM
    Surprising result - I really have not picked up more litter while on this "challenge" for July.  Thought I would.  Some of it that I usually walk in two types of areas - (1) my neighborhood with trails and sidewalks that are maintained and don't have litter and (2) remote trails in the woods of North Carolina that also don't have litter on them.  I know areas where there is litter - I just haven't gone out of my way to go pick it up. 
    Food Use Reusable Containers
    How can you think outside the box (or bag!) when it comes to disposables?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/30/2019 6:09 PM
    I have stopped using paper/plastic plates and also disposable cups.  There is the very, very rare occasion when I might break down (once in 5 years).  Our creation care team has advocated stainless straws to our congregation.  To go coffee used to be a guilt trip, but businesses generally fill your cup.  It is good to use things that can be washed—such as stainless skewers rather than colorful plastic throwaways.  Using larger containers that seal to store items that need to be covered has become my norm during this challenge.   There is much to still work out.
    Food Takeout Pro
    How could you mitigate issues that may arise if the restaurant does not want to let you use your own containers at first?

    Celeste Tolbert's avatar
    Celeste Tolbert 7/30/2019 5:49 PM
    They could serve them on restaurant dishes and let you scoop them into your own containers.  There is an issue of germs.  I was shocked recently when the airport would not let my cup be filled with coffee.  They had to give it to me in their disposable cup.  No arguing that issue.  The employees only had one option.  But, you could accept it in their cup without the plastic lid and transfer it into your own cup.