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Chemeketa Community College Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Community Visit A Waste Management Facility
    Landfills and recycling centers tell us a lot about our communities and purchasing habits. What did you glean from your visit?

    Cindy Ulshafer 's avatar
    Cindy Ulshafer 7/18/2019 11:28 AM
    To recyle a computer, I need to first remove the hard drive.

  • Cindy Ulshafer 's avatar
    Cindy Ulshafer 7/18/2019 11:27 AM
    National Night Out is coming August 6. What a great time to discuss plastics! For those who don't know what NNO is, think of it as a very informal chance to get acquainted with neighbors to support neighborhood safety and communication. (You can also do a search for more info.) At our first annual NNO, we invited neighbors to bring a snack and hang out and chat. Some had NEVER met their neighbors two doors away! It built great community. Last year, after the college I work for presented a recycling demo, full of good info, I wrote up a guide that matches our local recycling service and handed it out to our neighbors at NNO. This year, I hope to share more about reducing plastic.
    Personal Care Tim Taylor Your Beauty Products
    Homemade makeup is a practice which has been done in community for thousands of centuries as many indigenous women relied on plants for their bright make up. How can you incorporate that sense of community as you embark on a similar pursuit?

    Cindy Ulshafer 's avatar
    Cindy Ulshafer 7/18/2019 10:35 AM
    Yay for homemade soap (that I purchase from a farmers market) and cucumbers!
    Food Cook a Zero-Plastic Waste Meal
    Do an inventory of your kitchen to see how many single-use plastics you've used in the past. What are some resuable alternatives to these commonly used products? What would your impact be if you switched all the single-use products from your inventory to reusable?

    Cindy Ulshafer 's avatar
    Cindy Ulshafer 7/18/2019 10:34 AM
    We use very little plastic flatwsre or eating utensils. If I need to use plastic flatware, I wash the items in the dishwasher for reuse. I use mostly silicone, wooden, or stainless cooking utensils.