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Tracey Rowley's avatar

Tracey Rowley

Reid Park Zoo


  • 0 TODAY
  • 740 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill

Tracey's actions


Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup

I will avoid sending 1 disposable cup(s) to the landfill per day by using a reusable mug or bringing my own collapsible cup.



Use Reusable Water Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 2 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.



Use Reusable Containers

I will only use reusable containers instead of single-use plastic storage items (such as plastic wrap, single-use sandwich bags).



Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Use Reusable Bags

I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases, including produce bags.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/19/2019 5:52 PM
    I thought of a new way to reduce plastic when I went for a pedicure. I made a point to bring my flip flops so I wouldn't go home with the disposable little flip flops they give you at the salon. Also, I took my own toe separators so they wouldn't give me theirs. I know it's small, but I figure if more people did this, then the salons would use less of them overall! 

  • Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/09/2019 1:43 PM
    I really started to learn about the importance of reducing my use of plastic through the use of Skype in the Classroom and virtual fieldtrips with different zoos and wildlife rehabilitation centers around the world. 
    I never knew about the issue with straws until I helped a classroom go on a virtual fieldtrip with a penguin rehabilitation center in South Africa. Then I learned about how bad plastic bags are from a Turtle Encounter from an aquarium in North Carolina. 
    This demonstrates that educating students around the world about the ecological need to reduce our use of plastic is a happening! I'm excited to be a part of this global change! 
    Food Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/09/2019 1:23 PM
    I need to find reusable produce bags to take to the grocery store! 

    • Carrie Dean's avatar
      Carrie Dean 7/10/2019 2:00 PM
      I've seen them for sale at Safeway, and Reid Park Zoo's Teen program sells them as part of a kit with other eco-friendly items; limited quantity right now, but they are selling kits at this Saturday's (July 13) Summer Safari at the Zoo.

  • Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/09/2019 1:22 PM
    Using my reusable water bottle, cup and tupperware for lunch! 

  • Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/08/2019 12:30 PM
    Doing good! I am 100% plastic bag free when I shop, and I've been using bags for the kitty litter (tortilla bag for litter bag). I never use Ziploc bags either. 

  • Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/08/2019 12:28 PM
    I've gotten use to not taking straws, but it's so hard at restaurants when they automatically give you straws. I have to practice asking at restaurants for the serve to not bring me a straw. 
    Food Use Reusable Water Bottles
    Using the links provided, investigate the bottling practices of water corporations. There have been many cases where the water rights of the local people have been violated or even completely disregarded when a corporation decides to bottle water from a particular water source. How can you advocate for those who have been harmed by this bottling process?

    Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/03/2019 8:52 AM
    I am going to try to be cup free at runs! Taking my own bottles to refill will save at least 3-4 cups from being used, but I have to also encourage others to do the same! 
    Food Use Reusable Containers
    How can you think outside the box (or bag!) when it comes to disposables?

    Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/02/2019 9:01 AM
    I pack my lunches in reusable containers and I am going to ask for reusable bags that I can take to the grocery store for when I buy veggies and fruit! 
    Food Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup
    Great job on getting rid of your disposable cup habit! How does it make you feel? What's next on your list to reduce your waste?

    Tracey Rowley's avatar
    Tracey Rowley 7/01/2019 8:44 PM
    Must Reuse the plastic cups!