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Cecilia Hernandez's avatar

Cecilia Hernandez

ABQ BioPark


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,013 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    pieces of litter
    picked up
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Cecilia's actions


Buy Unpackaged Produce

I will purchase produce items without plastic packaging.



Keep My Community Clean

I will pick up 4 piece(s) of litter each day.



Takeout Pro

I will use my own containers when ordering takeout.


Personal Care

Lather Up

I will replace my soaps, shampoos, and conditions with either a bar or refillable option.


Personal Care

Dam the Flow

I will use a menstrual cup and/or cloth pads


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/28/2019 7:15 PM
    Sometimes I can feel myself losing steam, and then an object reminds me of why we are doing this.  Just a few days left to get our points in!

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/27/2019 11:38 AM
    Went to the grower's market with my cloth bags. Among other goodies, I bought more beeswax food covers as a gift. Spreading the joy!

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/25/2019 7:48 PM
    Remembering the documentary Period. End of Sentence, about women in rural India manufacturing sanitary pads out of cellulose from pine wood and cloth. 99% biodegradable. They went from discarded rags to this. Why did our society get stuck on landfill-clogging products?

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/20/2019 1:36 PM
    Shopping for ingredients - always happy to see the option to buy a can instead of plastic.  Fortunate to be able to, for small purchases like this, not even think about the cost difference and focus only on the material.

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/19/2019 1:19 PM
    I am beyond words whenever I see someone, on a hot day, drinking the last sip of water from their single use bottle and they head right to toss it when, just behind them, there is a water fountain where they could refill it!  It would be a bit much if I yelled from across the garden...

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/18/2019 4:52 PM
    It is encouraging to see more refillable products services becoming popular - like Loop and Cleancult.  Now to overcome the last hurdle and sign up...

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/16/2019 9:15 PM
    I wish I were more courageous to strike up the conversation about plastics with acquaintances, especially as a shier person.  Went out to dinner with a large group of my husband's coworkers and I kept missing opportunities to prevent a straw from arriving or a to-go box from being requested...

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/15/2019 2:36 PM
    Cheerfully lending my spare metal utensils to coworkers at lunch, as soon as I see them searching for the plastic ware.

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/14/2019 5:20 PM
    Very happy to see that some meat packaging has shifted from styrofoam to a sturdier recyclable plastic.  Still plastic, but a step in the right direction.

  • Cecilia Hernandez's avatar
    Cecilia Hernandez 7/13/2019 3:07 PM
    When I told the waitress we wouldn't be needing chopsticks because we brought our own she exclaimed "Cool! So I won't offer you straws then..." I was glad the purpose of both actions could go without saying.