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Claire Atkinson's avatar

Claire Atkinson

Aquarium of the Pacific


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Claire's actions


Buy Unpackaged Produce

I will purchase produce items without plastic packaging.



Travel Toiletries

If traveling, I will reuse my old travel tubes to refill with my soaps or only bring bar soaps with me in a TSA approved reusable quart sized bag.



Shop the Bulk Bins

I will purchase dry goods from the bulk section of my grocery store, and use my own containers to do so.



Pet Waste

I will spend 10 minutes learning how to compost pet waste at home or research pet waste composting services available in my area.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/15/2019 3:20 PM
    Over here in the office building, housekeeping replaces the plastic bag lining my trashcan under my desk every night. I realized that if I take my trash to the communal trashcan in the breakroom instead, I'll help avoid using multiple plastic bags each week. I don't produce that much trash at work anyway, so it's not a very big inconvenience. 
    Lifestyle Travel Toiletries
    What is the benefit of using bar soaps or refilling your travel sized containers? Is this an action you think you will keep in your life?

    Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/15/2019 9:44 AM
    I buy bar soaps all the time now, and when there is a product that I prefer to use a liquid version of, I refill at BYO Long Beach.

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/12/2019 12:02 PM
    Our lunch options over here on the dry side at AOP are all very single-use plastic intensive. I'm excited to run over to the staff cafeteria and bring my own utensils to enjoy a low-waste, plastic-free lunch!

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/09/2019 11:19 AM
    Planning my trip to the farmers market at Bixby Park tonight... hoping to score a loaf of bread and some more delicious summer produce, brought home in reusable bags, of course! I want to stock up on stone fruit like peaches and plums to freeze some for later this year when I'm missing a taste of summer.

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/03/2019 9:15 AM
    Aquarium of the Pacific team! We're having a brown bag lunch to chat about Plastic-Free July at 12:30 today on the dry side. I brought cookies! Anyone can join us. We'll either be outdoors on the patio area or in the Suite 150 conference room.
    Food Buy Unpackaged Produce
    Why do you think these produce products started amassing so much plastic packaging? Who is the plastic packaging really serving -- the consumer, the producer, or someone else?

    Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/02/2019 11:24 AM
    I think in a lot of cases consumer culture has made us germaphobes. Food packaging gives us a sense of comfort and security that our food is safe and clean. It would be good to investigate the invisible parts of our food distribution system to see how things are kept clean and how many people and machines handle our food. I wonder if this might affect how we feel about packaging.

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 7/01/2019 10:13 AM
    Today I did some reading online about dealing with pet waste without plastic. In my case, I have a cat and live in an apartment, so composting is probably not going to happen. For now, if I slip up at the store and buy something in a plastic bag or use plastic produce bags, those things get a second life as kitty litter disposal bags. 

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 6/20/2019 5:35 PM
    Aquarium of the Pacific dry-siders and anyone else who is interested - join our PFJ brown bag lunch on July 3 at 12:30 to share your ideas! Contact me for details or to get the Outlook invitation.

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 6/11/2019 4:33 PM
    Who wants to go in on a 48-pack of plastic-free, tree-free toilet paper with me? It's made from bamboo and 50% of profits go toward building toilets to improve sanitation around the world!

    • Carol White's avatar
      Carol White 6/12/2019 5:40 AM
      I'm learning so much from everyone's posts. Thanks for doing the research to find another website with viable options.

  • Claire Atkinson's avatar
    Claire Atkinson 6/10/2019 10:40 AM
    I'm excited for plastic-free July... if anyone needs clean glass jars for bulk bin or plastic-free refill store shopping, please contact me!