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Dawn McKenzie's avatar

Dawn McKenzie

NCW Green Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 575 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    pieces of litter
    picked up
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Dawn's actions


Swap the Snacks

I will swap out 5 prepackaged snacks a day for fresh fruits or veggies.


Personal Care

Brusha Brusha Brusha

I will replace my plastic toothbrush with a bamboo toothbrush.



Travel Toiletries

If traveling, I will reuse my old travel tubes to refill with my soaps or only bring bar soaps with me in a TSA approved reusable quart sized bag.



Takeout Pro

I will use my own containers when ordering takeout.



Keep My Community Clean

I will pick up 10 piece(s) of litter each day.


Personal Care

Pearly Whites

I will purchase toothpaste in an aluminum tube or in a glass jar or make my own!



Pet Waste

I will spend 60 minutes learning how to compost pet waste at home or research pet waste composting services available in my area.



Complete a Waste Audit

I will conduct a waste audit - including recyclables and compost - to understand how much waste I create and where I can reduce the most.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/15/2019 8:41 PM
    I love my silicone stashers. I keep a couple in my bag to carry leftovers home.  The silicone is great for storage, and for reheating, or even freezing if I want to save something for awhile.  So much better than one use carryout containers!

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/14/2019 8:25 PM
    I'm starting my waste audit tomorrow.  This should be interesting, and I'm excited to see if I can eliminate more things going to the landfill.

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/08/2019 1:09 PM
    I had been looking for tooth powder already made up in a glass container.  Haven't found any locally, possibly because I'm looking the wrong places.  I finally broke down and just bought the ingredients from the health food store, and made my own.  It is going to take some getting used to, but I look forward to not being stuck with disposing of toothpaste tubes.  I'll probably be commenting on it later in the month.

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/06/2019 5:55 PM
    It was a good day.  I accomplished my daily goals and bought a glass growler so I can bring home beer from the brewery without all the extra packaging.  I don't buy that much beer, but it just seems like a better way to go.  I also carried my stainless water bottle and my silicone 'to go' bags when I went out for lunch. I've been keeping up reading the "Green Life" essays that come to my e-mail and I am getting to be friends with some of the growers at the farmers markets who I didn't know before (I've always known my regular suppliers)
    Community Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/05/2019 8:30 AM
    I live close to a highway leading into town.  Picking up the litter along the stretch of highway close to my house makes a better impression on visitors to our area, and there are a lot of visitors to our area! 

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/05/2019 8:20 AM
    I skipped my challenges over the 4th of July since I didn't leave our property.  I did read several long articles on eliminating/reducing use of plastic on the Sierra Club and other environmental sites.  We did have a  lot of salads, home smoked meat, and home made desserts and for a  change, not a lot of chips and prepackaged snacks, so even though I didn't earn points, I regarded the holiday as a success.

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/03/2019 2:51 PM
    It's going well.  When researching about pet waste, I did find that the corn based kitty litter I use is excellent for composting.  I just have to keep it separate from the compost I use in the garden.
    Pets Pet Waste
    By composting your pet waste, you are turning waste into nutrients to feed the soil. In what other ways can you turn waste into a resource in your life?

    Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/03/2019 2:32 PM
    I spent a long time on-line researching this.  It is not really practical for me to do it since I live on an orchard and it's hard to think of a place to use the compost that would not be feeding plants that feed us.  I did learn a lot about the reasons NOT to use pet waste in compost for plants providing food for people.  It is quite the process even to break it down for use on ornamental plants.  This area doesn't have a place to compost pet waste.  I'm not sure what the businesses that clean up after pets and take the waste away do with it.  I may have to call and find out.

  • Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/02/2019 12:58 PM
    This is going really well.  Unfortunately, I have found that I do not have to travel very far to pick up 10 pieces of trash, and have picked up over 50 in the last two days.  So sad!
    Family Swap the Snacks
    How does swapping out prepackaged snacks for fresh fruit or veggies benefit your family?

    Dawn McKenzie's avatar
    Dawn McKenzie 7/01/2019 2:22 PM
    Buying bulk vegetables and keeping them handy is definitely more healthy than having crackers and chips around, for me and the grandkids!  Luckily, it's a great time for fruits and veggies and we can go out in the garden and orchard and pick a lot of things. Treats like broccoli and other veggies that are later are easy to find at the store and none of the employees seem to mind that I don't use their plastic bags.