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Sara Lesser's avatar

Sara Lesser

Aquarium of the Pacific


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,166 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    pieces of plastic cutlery
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill

Sara's actions


Discover Together

I will spend 30 minutes educating my family on the basics of living a reduced/no-plastic lifestyle.



Swap the Snacks

I will swap out 2 prepackaged snacks a day for fresh fruits or veggies.



Use Reusable Utensils

I will keep 3 plastic cutlery out of the landfill per day by using my own reusable cutlery.



Join a Cleanup Effort

I will host or participate in a beach, highway, river, or other cleanup effort in my community.



Estimate Your Plastic Consumption and Go #PlasticNeutral

I will visit rePurpose website, complete the 3-minute plastic consumption calculator, and explore how I can reBalance my annual plastic footprint.


Personal Care

Lather Up

I will replace my soaps, shampoos, and conditions with either a bar or refillable option.



Use Reusable Containers

I will only use reusable containers instead of single-use plastic storage items (such as plastic wrap, single-use sandwich bags).



Use Reusables at Work

I will use reusable dishes and silverware when eating at work.



Share My Actions

I will make my environmental actions visible by posting to my social media networks.


Personal Care

Pearly Whites

I will purchase toothpaste in an aluminum tube or in a glass jar or make my own!



Use Reusable Water Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 2 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.



Watch a Documentary

I will watch a documentary film about waste with family and friends and talk about what we learned.



Advocate For More Food Packaging Options

I will advocate for alternatives to single use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, or work.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/21/2019 2:55 PM
    So I have been trying to be really aware and careful with my choices and actions to reduce my plastic consumption. But I feel like for every good choice I make, I find another area where using/having plastic is unavoidable and it is both frustrating and a little disheartening. I'll give an example - yesterday I went berry picking and brought my own containers so avoided plastic surrounding my produce. Was feeling pretty good about it and then went shopping, and it wasn't until I got home that I realized the pack of socks I bought was held together by that little plastic piece that strings them all together and the plastic hook used for display. Then I felt frustrated because seems out of my control, and unnecessary. Seems like everywhere I turn there is another plastic item to contend with. Anyone else feeling this way? Pointers to not spiral?  

    • I hear you and feel the same way a lot. Using our purchasing power and our voice in a kind way to let folks know this matters to us will create change. I feel frustrated at times like that but them write to the company who makes them and sagre my thoughts. It may not change right away, but I feel better by letting them know I am a concerned consumer. 

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/14/2019 9:27 AM
    I have had a couple conversations with one of my best friends from undergrad, who currently lives in Portland, about reducing our plastic consumption. We share tips as well as challenges that we have encountered. She recently shared that she, a vegetarian, has been really disappointed with tofu - finding it hard to get around the plastic on an item that is a regular part of her diet. So she did some research and found that the oldest tofu making company in the country is actually in Portland and you can actually buy in bulk directly from the company and they let you bring your own containers - making the purchase packaging free. I just thought it was such a cool story to share.

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/13/2019 2:45 PM
    Today is my day off and the only thing that I planned for the day was getting my groceries for the week with as little plastic as possible. Definitely took some strategizing and little more planning than usual, but I think it went pretty well.  First stop was a local farmers market, where I brought containers for things like berries so I didn't end up taking home the little plastic baskets and all the other fruits and veggies went right into my reusable bag so I left without any plastic bags. Next stop was a grocery store with a large bulk section and I brought my own containers for this too. Between the two markets, I was able to get almost all of what I need with almost no single-use plastics (stuck on things like tofu, mushrooms that seem to only come pre-packaged, and milk that only seems to come in the cardboard containers if its organic, and lets be real here, I'm also cheap and couldn't get myself to spend the extra $). But all in all, enjoying the feeling of these little victories.
    Food Use Reusable Utensils
    How can you be an advocate for using resusables instead of disposables for the rest of your community? Where are they currently dependent on disposable cutlery, and how can you convince them of the need for change?

    Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/11/2019 9:54 AM
    I think can be as simple as having a conversation and explaining alternatives. Recently, my dad was telling me that he went to three grocery stores looking for plastic knives, and couldn't find any. My first question was why plastic (trying to hold back my exasperation), and his response was he uses them for his lunches. So I asked him why he can't just bring a knife from home. He responded in confusion, asking how would that work. To which I just said you can wash it in the sink and keep it in your office.He thought a moment and then immediately went to find a metal knife to bring to work. It seems like such a simple thing to me, but I think some people just don't even think about it, they just use plastic utensils out of habit without a second thought and all it takes to make small changes is a conversation.  

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/08/2019 5:46 PM
    Shout out to my hometown, Manhattan Beach, which has adopted an ordinance that has stopped the sale of plastic utensils (as well as straws, stirrers, and lid stoppers).   

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/06/2019 1:17 PM
    Just bought a new tube of toothpaste without even realizing/thinking about the impact and the plastic involve with this daily-used household item (seems like everywhere I turn there is another daily-used item that has some excessive use of plastic, but that is a whole other topic of conversation). Any suggestions of brands that maybe use less or no plastic in packaging? I have seen adds for subscription companies that sell toothpaste 'bites' that come in glass containers...anyone have experience using those? I know an option is making my own - not sure if that is the route I want to take, but if anyone has great success with this option, please share!

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/04/2019 1:11 PM
    Looking for podcasts, books, or even documentaries about plastic free tips/pointers or just about the plastic issue in general. 
    Family Swap the Snacks
    How does swapping out prepackaged snacks for fresh fruit or veggies benefit your family?

    Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/02/2019 4:26 PM
    Healthier eating! More serving of fruits and veggies.

    Food Use Reusable Containers
    How can you think outside the box (or bag!) when it comes to disposables?

    Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 7/01/2019 12:40 PM
    I definitely will try to reuse disposable containers if I can - whether for food or for storage. 

  • Sara Lesser's avatar
    Sara Lesser 6/26/2019 2:52 PM
    Debating between shampoo/conditioner bars vs. using refillable options.  Pros and cons to each...go!

    • Cassandra Davis's avatar
      Cassandra Davis 6/27/2019 8:53 PM
      I have yet to find a bar that works on my hair, but I’m trying again this month. I’m told apple cider vinegar is a secret weapon when using a bar....???