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Katie Kiker's avatar

Katie Kiker

SCZ - Gorilla


  • 0 TODAY
  • 764 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    pieces of plastic cutlery
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill

Katie's actions


Skip the Straw

I will keep 1 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill per day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.



Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup

I will avoid sending 3 disposable cup(s) to the landfill per day by using a reusable mug or bringing my own collapsible cup.



Use Reusables at Work

I will use reusable dishes and silverware when eating at work.



Use Reusable Utensils

I will keep 2 plastic cutlery out of the landfill per day by using my own reusable cutlery.



Use Reusable Bags

I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases, including produce bags.



Watch a Documentary

I will watch a documentary film about waste with family and friends and talk about what we learned.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 7/08/2019 1:16 PM
    I'm struggling a bit, I forgot my straw yesterday after giving it a good deep clean and didn't have a reusable cup handy like I usually do. But I opted for my trusty refillable water bottle and stuck to good old H20! I'm doing better today and loved sharing about this movement with guests at the gorilla keeper chat today. Zuza's judgy face is keeping me in line!

    • Roseann Giambro's avatar
      Roseann Giambro 7/08/2019 4:34 PM
      To keep up your spirits I'll share a good Zuza story.  You know how that little zookeeper voice in your head tells you to recheck something?  Even knowing that the gorillas were in and that I could safely clean the outdoor exhibit, I decided to double check and found the power operated door open after it had been closed earlier.   Closed it down again and watched from a distance.  There was Zuza with his bamboo reaching through the mesh to flip the cover over the switch and then holding the switch up to open the door again.   So if your new straw is ever lost check Zuza the tool man. 

  • Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 7/07/2019 2:18 PM
    GREAT WORK EVERYONE! This first week has flown by and I'm so impressed with the impact we've made! Keep up the good work and keep inviting friends and spreading the news about Plastic Free July!  Here's a toasty gorilla for your troubles! =]

  • Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 7/03/2019 1:26 PM
    After working a 13 hour day yesterday I definitely needed a coffee this morning so I took my reusable mug and shared about Plastic Free July with my barista who was impressed with the whole concept and said she'd check it out! =]
    Food Use Reusable Utensils
    How can you be an advocate for using resusables instead of disposables for the rest of your community? Where are they currently dependent on disposable cutlery, and how can you convince them of the need for change?

    Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 7/02/2019 1:33 PM
    Emperor's is my favorite, but they use all disposable plates and cutlery! It's heart breaking. I have asked them about using reusable plates like their other location, but it didn't go very far. Maybe addressing it on their facebook page would be an option. I usually get my food in a to-go box even if I'm staying so I have less waste over all.
    Food Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 7/02/2019 11:14 AM
    I mostly struggle to remember to get my bags out of the car when I get to the store, so I usually have to make a trip back out before I check out. If I don't have them I just get paper and use those bags for cat enrichment at home or at work for the animals. =]

  • Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 6/30/2019 10:15 AM
    I joined the challenge last year to gain a better understanding of what steps I could take. Now I do it because I don't have to take the trash or recycling out as often. On a more serious note I've come to understand the importance that my plastic usage (and the reduction of that usage) plays in the conservation of animals and their homes. It's a cause that I can really get behind and once trying out a lifestyle with less plastic, I've come to find that it's not nearly as difficult as I once thought it would be.
    Food Use a Reusable Mug / Collapsible Cup
    Great job on getting rid of your disposable cup habit! How does it make you feel? What's next on your list to reduce your waste?

    Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 6/30/2019 10:11 AM
    Honestly I've been slacking on this one lately. But I'm back on the wagon today! I keep a spare coffee cup and tumbler in my car and at work for beverages throughout the day. Staying hydrated will be especially important this coming month in the heat, but I can breathe easy knowing my drinks will stay colder longer in my reusable cups. The next challenge I have for myself is to bring reusable tupperware when I eat out to eliminate using the styrofoam or plastic boxes establishments provide.
    Food Skip the Straw
    Have you noticed a shift in your community as more messaging about reusable straws becomes mainstream? Cite some examples.

    Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 6/30/2019 6:08 AM
    I have noticed that several local restaurants around Wichita have started to offer paper straws rather than single use plastic ones. I have also noticed that more servers are asking about straws rather than simply giving them out or leaving a pile on the table. Most the places my husband and I frequent have learned not to give them to us as we bring our own metal straws from home. It's really encouraging to see our community start to embrace these changes.

  • Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 6/27/2019 6:36 AM
    Just 4 days until we kick off Plastic Free July! So polish off your reusable straws, pack up your bamboo (or metal) cutlery, and wash  your reusable bags cause we are ready to rock this thing!! 
    Food Use Reusables at Work
    It is often true that we only have control over our own actions and not the collective community. How can you lead by example when it comes to switching disposables for reusable dishes in your community?

    Katie Kiker's avatar
    Katie Kiker 6/25/2019 1:37 PM
    I bring my own bamboo cutlery!